Chapter 4

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"I Will Not Return To Ashes"

The little boy named Alex has seen it in a movie. He thought it was cool and wanted to try it. So when his parents left him alone in the house he decided to do it. He did it exactly like the movie.

Taking some salt from the kitchen he drew a pattern with it. Next, he got the scented candles from his mother's bathroom. He lit them and arranged them around the salt pattern.

Then he stood on one side and started saying random things, whatever he remembered from the movie.

Suddenly a mist of black appeared. He stood there thinking that an angel has appeared. As the mist disappeared, a tall figure emerged. It was wearing a black robe.

"Are you an angel?" Alex asked.

The figure laughed. "Angel? Do I look like an angel?"

"You won't protect me then?" Alex asked innocently.

"Listen here human boy. I am a devil. The opposite of angels. If they here you calling me an angel, they will go crazy." He explained.

"But you can protect me right?" Alex asked.

"You are so small what do you need protection from?" He asked curiously.

"The big boys at school tease me. They  beat me up." Alex said.

"Oh, then why don't you tell your parents? I've heard that human parents are very protective of their kids." He said.

"They say that they will beat me up if I tell anyone." Alex said now on the verge of crying. "Please protect me Mr.Devil."

"Since you are the first human to call me in the last 2500 years. I will protect you. As a token of gratitude." He promised.

"Thank you. But you have to hide when my parents come home, ok?" Alex said.

"Don't worry only you can see me since you are the one who called me." Devil explained.

From that day he started to protect Alex and it wasn't long till they became friends.

After a month, Alex's parents hired a new babysitter.

"He is not a difficult kid but sometimes he likes to talk with his imaginary friend." Alex's mother explained to Amy.

"Many kids do that, don't worry." As Alex's mother left Amy decided to go talk to Alex. That's when she noticed the tall black figure behind Alex.

Amy was special since birth. She could see things humans were not supposed to see. She was used to it by now. But she wasn't expecting to see a devil in this house. She was worried for Alex.

So when Alex went to bed she decided to talk to it. "Why are you roaming around this kid?" She asked the devil directly.

"You can see me?" Devil asked suprised.

"Yes and I am warning you to leave this kid alone." Amy threatened him.

The devil chuckled. "There, there, tiny human. You shouldn't threaten me. Alex called me here himself and I will not return to ashes." Saying this the devil disappeared.

'Alex called him?' She thought about it all night. The next day when Amy asked Alex about it he told her the whole story. She was suprised to hear that a devil was protecting a human child.

'Anything is possible in this world.' She thought.

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