Chapter 3

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Marrok and Saul joined the throng of people walking into the great hall at Aberon, the home of Sir Gordon's niece, Jane. The melodic sound of a harp could be heard above the chatter and the smell of suckling pig, roasting upon a spit in the grand fireplace, filled the room.

Marrok stayed close to Saul who was eagerly making his way forward to the feasting table at the far side of the hall. Rich tapestries filled the walls and candles flickered above, suspended from the high vaulted ceiling.

With a flagon of ale and a chunk of cheese to occupy him, Saul seemed content to survey the crowd, allowing Marrok time to assess the company around them. Young men, it seemed, were indeed in short supply since the crusade. Many had answered the king's call to battle and perished. Those that had survived, had still not returned. Marrok knew many would choose not to, preferring to exploit the captured lands and people they had plundered, along with the dark and sultry allure of the native women.

The bellow of self-importance from aging lords, barons, and knights broke above the music and laughter, drawing Marrok's attention to Sir Gordon. A few others of consequence stood in conversation with him and Marrok nudged his conscience into getting pleasantries of the way. Saul followed Marrok's lead. They weaved through the movement of flowing dresses and sweet scents of those that danced in the centre of the great hall.

"Ah, young Marrok," greeted Sir Gordon. "Your father was true to his word as ever. A fine vintage was delivered for us all to enjoy."

"Of course, Sir Gordon, you know my father's word is his honour after all," Marrok replied.

"Yes, well," Sir Gordon coughed and spluttered, his face reddening. "I see you brought with you Gommery's boy. Saul isn't it?"

"Yes sir," replied Saul.

"Let me introduce you both to my niece, Jane." Marrok and Saul followed Sir Gordon's gaze and a young woman stepped out, as if upon command, from a circle of people close by.

"You called me, uncle?" answered a melodic and sweet voice. Long brown hair flowed in curls onto her slender shoulders. Her blue eyes glistened in the soft light, bright and luminous in contrast to her complexion which was as pale as fine alabaster.

"Jane, I would like you to meet Marrok of White Haven and this is Saul Gommery. They ensured the delivery of a fine vintage from their vineyard for us tonight."

Her rosy lips smiled as her gaze met Marrok's. "I thank you Marrok, and Saul, for both the pleasure of your company and the wine."

Marrok suddenly found it difficult to focus and struggled to respond, bewitched by her simplistic beauty.

"Lady Jane, may I be so bold to say how beautiful you look and how honoured we are to be here," Saul intervened and reached out for her hand.

Jane reluctantly shifted her gaze from Marrok to Saul as he took her hand and gently kissed it. Saul shifted his body as he withdrew and purposefully knocked against his friend's wooden stance. Marrok, his daze broken followed Saul's example and took Jane's hand. He could feel her gaze upon him once more as his lips brushed against her skin. Distracted by her scent he hastily looked up to meet her eyes, framed by dark lashes.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, my lady," said Marrok, catching his breath.

"Maybe you would allow us the honour of a dance later this evening?" asked Saul.

"I'd like that very much," Jane replied, not breaking her gaze from Marrok. "If Sir Gordon would excuse us, maybe I could introduce you both to my other guests?"

"Of course, dear child," replied Sir Gordon.

Without delay, Jane led Marrok and Saul into the crowd. They stopped momentarily to greet people here and there but never lingered long until they reached two young women who were engaged in conversation on the far side of the hall.

"Seren, Mary. I would like to introduce you to Marrok and Saul," announced Jane. "They have come from White Haven, which we visited as children, I'm sure."

The ladies smiled courteously. Seren was tall and slender with blonde hair that fell to her waist. Mary was petite in stature and more curvaceous with hair the colour of autumn leaves and a sprinkling of freckles across her cheeks.

"You haven't changed Saul Gommery, a little taller perhaps," Mary quipped.

The colour in Saul's face quickly drained as he realised who stood before them. "You look delightful, Mary," he uncharacteristically stammered.

Marrok threw Saul a quizzical glance, and then himself realised that Mary was the girl that lost her long locks when Saul had cut her hair during the night. "It's nice to see you again Mary. You must come and visit White Haven when you can. My father would welcome news of you and your family," said Marrok.

"I did visit and speak with Lord Baine last Autumn," Mary replied. "Seren and I accompanied Jane and her mother to place an order for the fine wine that your land produces for tonight's celebration. Your father mentioned you were away with the king's forces, in hope of taking Serene. It's a relief to learn it is over and the king will shortly return."

"Forgive me, Mary, my father did not mention of your visit to me."

"From what I hear, you would have had little time so far for such conversations. You only returned home a few days past?" said Mary.

"That's true. I have much to catch up with," Marrok replied.

"Why did you return?" asked Seren. "Many are not as there are land and riches to be carved up I hear."

"I was honoured to serve my king, but wish for nothing more than peace after the noise of battle for so long. A simple life is all I crave, my lady. I promised my father before I left that I would return and do all I can to ensure the favour of White Haven continues."

"So you're looking for a wife to give you an heir," Seren replied bluntly.

"No," Marrok flushed and tried not to look in Jane's direction. "I'm here merely at Sir Gordon's invitation."

A sudden cheer echoed across the hall as people started to move to the edges of the grand space. Flutes now accompanied the harpist and several ladies and a few couples took up positions in readiness to dance. Marrok felt a tingle shoot up his arm as he felt Jane's hand brush against his. Turning to face her, she smiled at him and gestured towards the dancers.

"Would you like to dance Lady Jane?" he asked.

Without warning, Mary took Saul's hand and led him to dance, leaving Marrok and Jane to follow. Seren stayed steadfast, watching Marrok intently as he slowly eased into Jane's company and the flow of the music.

The evening was spent without separation and even Saul found himself sorry to depart from Mary's company. They rode back towards White Haven in high spirits.

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