Chapter 10

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Jane and Seren were sat at the table in the dining hall with Jane's mother, Lady Grace. As Marrok entered the room with her father, Jane looked on anxiously. Marrok's face lit up when he met Jane's gaze, but he struggled to maintain his smile when he realised that Seren was sitting next to her.

"I wondered if you were joining us," commented Lady Grace. "You have been locked away in your private chamber all afternoon my husband. Jane was concerned about what you forced Master Marrok to endure," she smiled.

"Grace, my dear," replied Lord Hymos. "You make it sound as if I'm some sort of tyrant," he light-heartedly mocked. "Come Marrok, let us prove to these lovely ladies that I am nothing but good company."

Marrok followed Lord Hymos to the table and was directed to sit at his side opposite Jane. Servants came into the room setting down platters and bowls of food and filling goblets with wine.

"Marrok has agreed to stay with us for a few days," Lord Hymos paused to cough. "As this wretched cough remains, I hope that you all will keep him entertained."

"I'm sure Jane's company will be enough," Seren commented with a coy smile.

"Have you ventured to these parts before, Marrok?" asked Lady Grace.

"Only to Wyvern," replied Marrok. "I've travelled with Gommery many times there when I was younger."

"Ah Gommery, your wine man," said Lord Hymos.

"Yes," Marrok replied. "Some of us believe the vineyards at White Haven wouldn't grow without him."

"Is it not his son, Saul that has befriended Mary?" asked Lady Grace.

"Yes, mother," Jane replied. "I expect you'll meet Saul in due course."

"Does he help his father, Gommery, in the vine growing?" asked Lady Grace.

"He's lived at Botsmere for the last two years to be nearer the coast and act as a point of contact for merchants on the Western edge of Aurora. As Gommery has strived to increase the yield, Saul has assisted in increasing the wine we sell," Marrok explained.

"An up-and-coming merchant, I see," responded Lady Grace. "My father made his wealth in shipping goods across the Cathon Ocean. I sometimes wonder how the years of war have affected the trading routes."

"Better now your father no longer sails on this earth," spluttered Lord Hymos trying to suppress a laugh. He turned to Marrok and lowered his voice in a mock whisper. "It is rumoured he was a pirate."

"If you were not my husband I would call that slander," exclaimed Lady Grace. "Don't listen to his nonsense, Marrok."

"He sounds an intriguing man, Lady Grace," Marrok replied. "We all judge the past in different lights, often from which castle wall you look out from,"

"Very true, Marrok, very true," agreed Lord Hymos coughing again into his linen before taking a draught of his wine.

Lady Grace looked at her husband with concern before smiling at Marrok. "I suppose we all make enemies and allies and they will each see of us what they will."

"You probably killed good men during your battles in the crusade," Seren commented. She delicately placed a morsel of food into her mouth whilst her gaze remained on Marrok, waiting for his response.

Jane looked at Seren with contempt as Marrok seemed to find it difficult to swallow what he had been eating.

Marrok sipped at his wine and cleared his throat. "I would have, yes Seren. Those I killed were loyal to their warrior king, loyal to their families and their country, just as I have been loyal to mine," he said keeping Seren's gaze.

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