Chapter 6

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A cool breeze pacified Marrok's flushed face as he walked into the orange grove within the palace grounds. Blossom fell from swaying branches and carpeted the manicured grass. Lanterns hung from the branches and glowed softly in the dusky light as the sun dipped below the summit of the Blue Mountains to the north of the city.

The subtle sound of fabric brushing against the short blades of grass made Marrok stop and turn. Although unable to see clearly in the dim light, he could feel Seren's eyes piercing into his. She wore a dress of green satin, heavily embroidered with gold thread. She continued to walk steadily towards him.

"I'm glad it is not just me that needs some fresh air and space to move," her lips curved seductively into a smile.

"It's been a long day," Marrok replied.

"We arrived yesterday, so there's been time to recover from the journey. It's tiresome adjusting to the din and chaos of Treggorne, don't you think?"

"All cities seem to be full of chaos and din," Marrok replied.

"Will you walk with me?" Seren didn't wait for Marrok's answer. She locked her arm with his and they walked slowly through the grove. "You didn't seem to mind the last time we met," Seren commented. "The din, I mean. You seemed to enjoy the music and the company."

"At Aberon, yes. That was not such a grand affair, although I don't _ "

"Don't worry, Marrok, I know what you imply. I expect after all the battles you have fought you now merely crave a more peaceful existence."

Comforted by her words and understanding, Marrok began to relax. Her skin felt warm and soft against his arm and her blonde hair glistened in the light from the lanterns as they swayed gently in the breeze. "When you're in the chaos of war you yearn for silence."

Seren stopped and looked intensively into his eyes. "Then that is what you shall have," she declared and they walked on arm in arm.

The orange grove gave way to a courtyard with a grand fountain at its centre. Marble planters filled with ferns and exotic blooms provided a place to sit. Marrok and Seren sat closely together and listened to the water as it poured out of a water carrier held by a marble goddess that stood in the shallow depths of the fountain. The moon shone on the surface of the water like molten silver and a nightingale sang out above the cacophony of the court that carried on the breeze.

Marrok felt Seren gently place her hand on his and turned to look at her. She looked longingly at him, drawing herself closer until her moist lips pressed softly onto his.


Marrok and Saul appeared in the courtyard at The Fountain, squinting at the brightness of the morning sun.

"Morning friends," greeted Marute. "Anya has prepared a good breakfast. You hungry, no?"Saul tousled his blonde mop of hair and raised his hand to shade his eyes. "Where are your other guests?" asked Saul, scanning the courtyard.

"Ah, they sleep or eat elsewhere. Few appreciate the fine food of my country," Marute replied.

"I'm sure we'll enjoy your fine food, Marute," said Saul as they followed him to one of the colourful carpets placed around the courtyard.

As Marrok and Saul sat, Marute clapped his hands loudly until Anya appeared with a tray. She laid down a platter of goats cheese and figs with a small terracotta bowl filled with lemon-scented water for handwashing. She left with the empty tray and quickly returned with small terracotta cups of warmed milk sweetened with honey.

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