Chapter 17

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Seren sat down at the table to join Jane and her parents for breakfast as the food was set out before them. She listened to the conversation of wedding plans and the guests yet to be invited as she drank the sweetened goat's milk favoured by the inhabitants of Treggorne.

"Have you plans of your own today, Seren?" asked Lady Grace.

"Maifynn advised that you are much better, Lord Hymos," said Seren, ignoring Lady Grace's question. "I am planning to leave Treggorne and return home with her if you no longer need her services," continued Seren, not waiting for Lord Hymos' response.

"Why, yes," said Lord Hymos. "I hope we have not bored you with our company, Seren. We were expecting you to stay and travel back with us."

"Can you not keep me company for my dress fitting this afternoon?" asked Jane, her disappointment plain to see in her expression.

"I'm sorry Jane. I met with Wiggan yesterday. He asked of you and I told him you and Marrok are to be wed soon. He now seems to have set his sights on me and I cannot suffer having to deflect his interest and advances, so I have decided to return home," Seren explained.

"Then I shall tell him, Seren," said Lord Hymos. "That you have no interest in him and he is to leave you in peace, although I would have thought him to be a good match for you. He is the King's Knight after all."

"Thank you, my Lord, that is very kind but I don't wish to upset Wiggan. He is on good terms with Lord Gill and I don't wish to cause bad feelings between them," Seren replied, smiling sweetly.

"We could easily make excuses on your behalf, Seren," said Lady Grace. "You are here to spend time with Jane before her wedding after all."

"I don't wish to cause problems, my Lady," Seren replied, her sweet smile fading. "I think it easier I leave Treggorne in the hope that Wiggan finds someone else of interest to him. It is important for you to spend time with your daughter before she weds, not me."

Jane looked despondent.

"It will be a lovely surprise to see how beautiful you look in your wedding dress," said Seren, reaching out to hold Jane's hand.


Jane watched as Seren packed her trunk. "Could you stop at White Haven on your journey home?" Jane asked.

"Of course," Seren replied.

Jane took the small trinket box from her bedside and handed it to Seren. "I told Marrok when I left I would buy him a gift, something to hold and look at whenever I'm not with him. I won't see him now until the wedding, so I would be grateful if you could take it to him and tell him I miss him dearly."

Seren took the trinket box and held it with both hands to her heart. "I will make sure he gets it," she replied, leaning towards Jane and kissing her on the cheek.

"Have a safe journey home," said Jane.

"I will visit you at Aberon upon your return to give you your wedding gift," said Seren.


The sky was darkening and the elm trees that lined the avenue leading to White Haven looked black against the grey of twilight as the carriage rolled towards the village. Seren looked out of the carriage window at the lights from the dwellings. Smoke rose up into the air from fires lit to keep out the late summer night chill. As they passed the blacksmiths, a dog ran alongside, barking at their intrusion, and followed them until they approached the incline that led to the Marrok's home. The black silk banners that bore the emblem of the house of Baine were almost invisible but for the streak of white that flickered as they moved in the gentle breeze.The carriage pulled up onto the flat ground near the stable block and the driver got down to open the door for Seren and Maifynn to get out. Saul caught sight of them as he came from checking on the horses and swore under his breath.

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