Chapter 8

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Anya laid out a breakfast of soft cheese and figs with milk and honey as Marrok and Saul settled themselves onto a rug in the inner courtyard. The dark rain clouds of the previous day had moved southwards and clear blue skies now prevailed. It was already hot and Saul was trying to persuade Marrok to join him in a visit to a nearby bathhouse.

"You managed to live your life without me when I was battling through foreign lands. I'm sure you can manage to bathe by yourself."

"And dare I ask what you will be doing in my absence? I hope all thoughts of Seren Gill are now far out of mind," Saul questioned. "It was not easy ensuring she was occupied last night."

"From what Jane told me of Seren last night she would be more interested in the King's Chancellor than a lowly knight like myself. He's one of the most powerful men in the land."

"Well, he seems quite taken with her and was keen to keep her by his side all night. I did though, notice she looked at you and Jane with contempt," Saul commented.

"I'm sure Seren will think herself lucky to be rid of me."

"I wouldn't count on that. I've seen the way she looks at you," warned Saul.Anya appeared beside them. "Master Marrok, a messenger brought this for you." She bent down and gave him a small rolled-up parchment.

"Thank you, Anya," Marrok took the parchment and unraveled it. Anya nodded and left.

"Anything wrong?" asked Saul.

"It would seem you're right," said Marrok looking up.

"Seren?" asked Saul, his eyes widening.

"She wants me to meet her at the falls," replied Marrok.

"You're not going?" Saul questioned.

"Maybe it's better if I did."


Seren was standing next to her grey dappled mare overlooking the river at the bottom of the Blue Falls when Marrok arrived. The sound of the rushing water seemed more intense since the heavy rainfall of the previous day. Marrok dismounted Farren and left him untethered to graze as he wished. He walked slowly towards Seren, still unsure of what he should say. He stood beside her and they both looked down to the furious swell of water below for some time before either of them spoke.

"I thought you weren't coming," she said, her voice even and calm, but her white knuckles betrayed the overly firm grip she had upon her horse's reigns.

"I thought it only fair that I speak with you. Please understand I am not used to such matters. I never thought I would meet a woman I would care enough for," said Marrok, still looking out to the river.

"And have you?" asked Seren. "Have you met a woman you care enough for?" There was now tension in her voice as she turned to face him.

"Yes," Marrok replied.

"But it's not me is it?" rasped Seren.

"No, it's not. I'm sorry Seren but I can't deny what I feel for Jane. I also can't omit to tell her that something happened between us."

"So, you're not only telling me that Jane, of all people," exclaimed Seren. "is the one you love over me, but you're also going to end one of the few friendships I have."Marrok was not prepared for this response. He looked blankly at Seren, her eyes wild with anger.

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