The Meeting

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Age 8

Max has been in the woods for some time. He lives in an only boy orphanage (currently, thirteen boys, including Max). His teachers would scold him for little things, but they would never yell at the other children like that.

Anyway, Max took a seat on the ground, resting his back against a tree. Suddenly the ground started shaking. He was too upset to care. The earth stopped shaking, and Max heard a loud gasp. Max looked up and saw a 20-foot tall giant. Before the human could react, giant hands cupped around him and lifted the human up.

"Oh my god, you're so adorable!" The giant gushed.

The giant's voice was booming and rumbled all around Max. The human was too shocked to react or move. The giant's finger poked the human's side, Max yelped. Max looked up at the giant's beaming face. Max suddenly burst into tears and started screaming.

The giant's smile disappeared, and his head tilted in confusion. The giant fell to the ground sitting criss-cross; Max screamed louder. The giant stared intently at the squirming child. His face lit up. The giant lifted the human boy to his mouth. Max tried escaping the giant's grasp. He then felt warm giant lips against his face. The giant pulled Max away.

"My mommy would kiss my cheeks when I was sad." The giant said with a warm smile. "Look! It worked!" The giant said, now excited again.

Max gave the giant boy a giggle.

"M-my name is Max." He stammered, still shaken up.

"I'm Nicolas." The giant said.

"I think I'll call you, Nico!" Max declared gleefully.

"Let's play!" Nico beamed.

Nico stood up, causing Max to grab onto the giant's thumb tightly.

"Wait!" Max shouted. Nico looked down at Max in confusion. "Can we play here? I d-don't want to go f-far." Max said, ending in a whisper.

"Okay, sure," Nice agreed and sat down, making a loud thud.

Nico's idea of playing with Max was to poke him from every direction and inspect the tiny human in his hand. Sometimes he would dangle Max by his leg or arm, but he quickly stopped when Max started screaming again.


The sun came down, and Nico was tired, but Max was still startled.

"Goodnight... Max." Like that, the giant was asleep, but the problem is that Nico's hand was resting on top of Max, trapping him against his chest.

Max could hear Nico's heartbeat and his stomach going up and down from his breathing. Max was lulled to sleep by the gentle movements.

(The photo above is what Nico looks like)

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