First Day of School

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Max woke up to the sound of his step-sister, jumping on his bed.

"Wake up! Wake up!" Evie kept shouting and jumping.

"Fine, I'm up," Max grumbled.

Evie ran out of his room, shouting 'yay,' which made Max smile to himself. He never had a family, especially siblings. Sure there were other kids at the orphanage. We just hung out without friend groups, but I preferred to be alone since Nico was enough.

Max got up from the bed and put on tight dark jeans, a loose gray shirt, and a straight black jacket. When he finally finished getting ready for the day, we left his room, and everyone was rushing to go where they needed to go.

"Max, are you ready for school?" Jessica asked as she ran up to him.

"Uh, yeah?" Max replied.

"Okay, get in the car, so you aren't late," Jessica said.

Max became nervous. He didn't realize he would be going to school so soon.


They finally drove to high school. Max has never been to a regular school. The caretakers homeschooled him. He now has to meet strangers.

"Have a good day, Max!" Jessica exclaimed.

"Thank you." Max murmured.

He took a step out of the car and immediately started panicking. He started walking to the entrance to get to the principal's office. He was shaking so much. He has never been this nervous before, and he was best friends with a fucking giant!

He noticed all of the usual cliques: The jocks, cheerleaders, etc. The orphanage never had groups like that, but he could quickly identify them from what he's read. One group was different, they looked like they had nothing in common or anything, but they laughed together. Max just assumed those are the 'outcasts' of the school.


Max entered the principal's office.

"Ah, you must be Max Throne." The principal said.

Max just nodded his head and walked over to the desk.

"I'm Principal Lancaster." He said.

The principal handed Max his schedule. Max thanked the principal and left.

He took a look at the schedule and started panicking again. Max didn't know what anything meant. He knew what the classes were, but everything else was confusing.

Max kept looked down at his schedule and wandering around. He suddenly bumped into someone. Max fell back, luckily all of his stuff was in his backpack, but he dropped his schedule.

"Oh, sorry, man, here, let me help you. The stranger reached down to help Max up.

"Oh, thanks," Max responded.

The stranger lifted Max.

"I'm Colt." The not a stranger anymore said.

"Max." He said.

"Let me take you to class since we have all of the same classes," Colt said.

Max really had no choice since he was beyond lost. He just nodded and followed Colt.


"I'm Max, and I am new here," Max announced.

"Thank you, Max. Please take a seat with Colt." The teacher said.

Max walked over to the seat next to Colt and slumped into his chair.

"No shit, sherlock." Colt joked.

"Shut up, jackass," Max replied.

They both snickered before they were interrupted by the teacher beginning his lesson.


The bell rang to signal the students to get lunch.

"I wish Nico were here..." Max smiled to himself.

"Who's Nicko?" Colt said.

Max's face immediately turned red. Did I really say that out loud?! Max thought.

"Nico is my best friend," Max said.

"Oh, you definitely have a crush on him," Colt announced.

"N-no, I don't!" Max's face somehow became redder.

Colt laughed at Max's reaction to his remark.

They made it to the lunch table and took a seat. Max noticed it was that 'outcast' group. There was a girl with glasses and freckles and a boy that was a bit bigger than everyone else.

"Guy's, this is Max! He is the new kid." Colt announced.

Before anyone could introduce themself, Colt went ahead and did that for them.

"That is Quinn. She is a huge geek and is a demon."

I giggled, but Quinn was not amused by Colt's comment and flipped him off.

"That is Hudson. He is a cinnamon roll and usually brings extra food."

Hudson smiled and waved at Max, and he shyly waved back.


A week later

Max has become more open at school and home. He hasn't had a chance to visit Nico, which made him feel lonely. Max missed being lifted 50 feet off of the ground, the warmth that radiated off of Nico's hands, and so much more.

Max opened the door to his house and saw Robert watching the news.

"-ere is a giant rampaging at Blank Street, enforcers are currently trying to take hold of this situation-"

Max ran out of the house and slammed the door behind him. He heard Robert calling for him.

(The photo above is what Colt looks like)

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