Unwanted Visitors

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An hour later, Nico was settled, ready to fall asleep. It radiated heat all around Max. Max decided to get comfortable before he can't move anymore. They both shortly fell asleep.

Later, Nico woke up to the faint sounds of talking. He groggily looked over at his hand to check on Max. Two adults were trying to lift his hand to free Max. On the other hand, Max was telling them to 'go away' and 'he's safe.' They weren't listening to him. Nico twitched his finger a little bit so they could go away.

They jumped back and fell back on his stomach. They quickly got up and went back over to Max. Nico shuffled his hand farther from the two strangers causing them to gasp. Nico really wanted to see how far they were willing to go. He gently placed Max on his forehead. Nico tapped the back of Max's head to signal him to stay put.

The two strangers were reluctant to go forward, but they walked over to Max anyway. Nico placed his hand on his chest to throw them off course. Max kicked the giant's forehead.

"M-Max, please come over here..." A woman said. She sounded like she was crying.

Nico felt a sting of guilt. Those people were probably his guardians. In their minds, they were sacrificing themselves to save Max. The giant lifted Max and put him on his stomach with his adoptive parents. They all quickly slid off of Nico and ran off.

Max was upset that Jessica and Robert found him with Nico. They might never let him go out on his own ever again. Robert was running with Max in his arms bridal style and Jessica holding Max's hand.


"Did that giant kidnap you?!" Jessica asked.

"No, he didn't. He is my friend." Max answered.

They both looked at Max with wide eyes.

"Oh no, he's developed stock home syndrome. We should sign him up for therapy right away." Jessica was panicking.

"I have not!" Max barked.

"Max, you do not speak to your mother like that!" Robert demanded.

"She's not my mom, and you are not my dad! They are dead!" The room went silent, and Max stormed off to his room.

He slammed the door and collapsed on his bed. A few minutes later, there was a light knock on the door.

"Go away!" Max hissed.

Evie slowly opened the door with tears in her eyes. All of Max's anger disappeared. Max ran over to Evie and sat on his knees to be at eye level with her.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Max asked as he wiped a tear away from her face.

"Y-you're parents d-died? Evie stuttered, choking on tears.

Max sighed. "Yes, they died, but I don't remember them."

"Then why did you bring it up?" Evie asked.

"Because I've never had parents, and I'm not used to people babying me," Max admitted as he chuckled.

"Oh..." Evie mumbled.

Max could tell Evie had another question lingering in her mind.

"Come on, ask me." Max joked.

"W-what?!" Evie said.

"I spent my whole life in an orphanage. I know how kids think." Max smirked.

"Well, is the giant your boyfriend? Cause I saw you were on the news being kissed by the giant, and you keep running off somewhere."

Max's face turned red. He was shocked that Evie was very observant for a kid.

"Omg! He is!" Evie squealed.

"S-shut up! N-no, he isn't. Besides, he probably doesn't see me that way." Max said, very flustered.

"I want to see if he is good enough for my brother," Evie exclaimed."O-oh, okay, maybe we could sneak out tomorrow when Jessica and Robert calm down."

(The photo above is what Robert looks like)

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