New Home

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"Are you ready to leave, Max?" The caretaker named Ms. Penmark.

"Yes, ma'am," Max replied.

Max walked over to the door dragging his one suitcase. When they exited, Max saw a black Toyota with a woman he immediately recognized as Jessica, his new mom waving at him.

"Goodbye, Max." Ms. Penmark said.

He walked over to Jessica, and she gave Max a bear hug. She stopped hugging Max and put her hands on his shoulders.

"I hope you love your new home," Jessica exclaimed.


Max felt so empty; he thought this would be the happiest day of his life. He would continuously tell Nico about his excitement about becoming adopted and what he would want his new family to be like. Now that had happened, and he is miserable.

"We're here!" Jessica exclaimed.

Max got up from his seat and went to the trunk to gather his stuff. When they entered the front door, Max was surprised by how lovely the house was. Jessica led Max to his new room. He couldn't help but smile at his own place.


A while later, Max finished putting all of his clothes away but not his other belongings. But he decided to take a break and have some food. When he walked out, he smelt something delicious. (The orphanage never good food) He walked over to the kitchen and saw Jessica making a turkey. She was humming along to a song that Max didn't recognize.

"Oh, hey, Max, are you hungry?" Jessica asked.

"Yeah, a little bit." Max lied; he was starving.

"Good cause, dinner is ready." Jessica motioned Max to take a seat at the dining table.

Max took a seat at the table. The door opened, and a man and a little girl entered. The man was Robert, but he had never seen this little girl, but she must be their daughter.

"Oh! My boy! I'm so glad to have you live with us!" Robert said as he ran up to Max to hug him. Robert released Max so the little girl could introduce herself.

"I'm Evie!" The little girl exclaimed.

"I'm Max." He replied with a smile.

(The photo above is what Jessica looks like)

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