New Kid

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Age 13

Every day, Max would sneak away from the orphanage to hang out with Nico. As they grew older, Nico grew a lot, currently at 40 feet tall.

Recently a new kid entered the orphanage. He was timid when he first joined; he also looked pretty sad.

"Max, you need to pick up your room properly!" The caretaker called Ms. Umbridge was yelling at Max even though his room was sufficient.

"Okay, jeez fine," Max mumbled.

Max suddenly was slapped in the face by Ms. Umbridge. The boy fell from the unexpected force on his left cheek.

"Don't give me sass, boy." The caretaker hissed.

"Y-yes ma'am..." Max stuttered.

Max got up and made his way over to his room. When he entered, he saw the new kid sitting on the unoccupied bed across from his. The kid still seemed nervous and looked to be about ten.

"You alright?" Max asked.

The kid finally noticed Max standing by the door.

"D-do they h-hit us all?" The kid replied.

Nah, they only hit... me." Max shrugged with a sad smile.

"Oh, I'm sorry." The kid gulped, stunned by Max's smile.

"It's whatever," Max muttered, trying to avoid the topic.

If Nico found out what happened to Max, he would probably storm over to the orphanage and throw a fit.

"I'm Max." He said.

"I'm Callum." the kid responded.

"Welcome to hell," Max joked.

Max made his way out of the room to find Nico.

"Wait! Where are you going?" Callum asked.

"I-uh, am getting some fresh air, please don't follow me," Max answered.

"Oh, okay," Callum whispered.

" 'Kay, bye!" Max exclaimed as he ran off.


Max finally found Nico could gazing since he had nothing better to do. The human snuck up to Nico's ear to scare him. The giant's reaction was loud and dangerous, but it was funny. When Max made it to Nico's ear, he braced himself for anything.

"NICO!" Max shouted.

Nico let out a very manly scream as he sat up to see what had scared him. Max was laughing hard; he was clutching his stomach as he laughed.

The giant scrunched up his face in annoyance and rolled his eyes. He picked up Max as he was catching his breath from laughing so much. Max was lifted to eye level with the giant.

"You're mean," Nico whined.

"Thanks!" Max laughed.

Nico closed his hands, completely covering Max. The giant shook his hands to get revenge for that scare. Max was yelling, unable to keep his balance on the giant's palm. Nico finally released Max from his fleshy cage.

"No fair!" Max pouted.

Nico responded with an adorable smile, which made Max's cheeks turn a light shade of pink. Before anyone could say anything else, they both heard screaming. They looked over at the direction from where the sound was coming from. It was Callum.

(The photo above is what Callum looks like)

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