The Promise

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Max and Callum made it back to their room to talk about what had happened. They both took a seat on Max's twin bed.

"You cannot tell anyone about Nico..." Max sighed, looking down.

"But, it's dangerous!" Callum argued.

"HE is the only thing keeping me sane in this hell hole!" Max yelled.

It was silent for a few minutes, well as silent as an only boy orphanage could be.

"Has he ever tried to hurt you?" Callum broke the silence.

"Not on purpose, especially when we first met; he didn't realize how gentle humans were." Max chuckled to himself. "He would hold me up in the air to make me fly around like a superhero." Max started tearing up. "He would play with me like I was a toy, which was fun for both of us. But sometimes he would squeeze me too hard or drop me. Though all of those injuries were never serious, he would cry when he realized what he had done." Max sighed. "I don't think I could live without him."

Max looked up at Callum with tears falling down his face with a sad smile.

"Okay, I won't tell anyone." Callum reckoned.

"Also, don't tell him I was crying; he would just hug me forever."

Both boys snickered.

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