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School finally started again the following week, where the circle including marinette were seated in biology, each seated from eachother as they attentively scribbled in their respective notebooks.

"Marinette." Steven whispered out to her, grabbing her attention.

The blunette's attention was pulled as soon as she looked over to the curly haired boy-where she noticed the mischievous/secretive glint in his dark eyes. Marinette really hadn't expected steven to engage in any sort of contact with her given that he was mostly cold with her.

"What is it?" her voice was low and quiet as she tried not to get caught by the nun nearby.

"Wanna go on a...field trip later on?"

Marinette was puzzled, but felt the stares of the others, proven as she later discreetly turned around to face them.


Rock music softly played on pandora, and through dark-coloured lenses steven drove out to what seemed to be the woods, which was perfect for a quiet nature-walk, where the others boarded the car with him. The black pearl necklace that mari donned along with a choker necklace seemed to be no match to the pagan-like jewellery that draped over darcy's full chest.

The blunette felt so out of place-she really wasn't, but whether they were very the top, such as leathery, spiked, distressed or basically all of the above she felt like she barely added to the monochromatic drama by only wearing a simple black dress she designed one point in time, accompanied by the dark sunglasses she coincidentally bought along with the others.

As soon as steven parked the car to what her considered a "safe place", they eventually stormed to the woods for a place to set out what they intended to accomplish earlier. Manon's glory was practically everywhere; dappled sunlight bathed the quintet in gold as they walked, where birds occasionally glided past them. Idle yet enthusiastic chatter flitted through the once silent woods as they all talked about the magic they were due to embark on/perform all together.

Earth, air, fire, water.

In the clearing later sat the quintet, hands held all together and heads bowed in nothing but deep concentration. Voices blurred all together into one solid noise as they all chanted the elements.

Earth, air, fire, water.

Steven and Sabrina shared Fire-somewhat of a perfect element to match their temper. Connie was Water, a more calming force. Darcy was Air.

And lastly-Marinette was Earth.

Connie rested the sharp blade of an athame-which she grabbed after the chants subsided-gently against steven's chest, carefully trying not to puncture it.

"It is better that you should rush upon this blade...than to enter the circle with fear in your heart." Connie smirked at steven who also shared the same daring glint she had in her eyes. "How do you enter, steven?"

"With perfect love-and perfect trust." As he handed her the blade he smirked at her in response, where he and connie shared a slow, chaste kiss. If sabrina still had feelings for steven, her jaw would definitely clench with profound jealousy at the sight-but she only just rolled her eyes and smirked as the two embraced each other for a while.

After that little embrace connie later addressed over to sabrina, pointing the blade towards her.

"It is better that you should rush upon this blade than to enter the circle with fear in your heart," She asked again. 'How do you enter?"

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