🔪Mine🔪 |Yandere!Shalnark x Reader|

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I feel like Shal is lowkey a perfect fit to be a yandere 😂 I really hope you enjoy! Also I didnt know whether to label this as fluff or as angst so I just went with fluff. And this chapter is gender neutral since that was what the request said that they would like!

TW: blood, death, mentions of abandonment

Thank you for requesting: tHEwEIrDClOWn

~3rd person POV~

Over the past few months almost everyone you knew was either leaving your life or disappeared. You even lost your job. It's not like you got fired but your boss was actually murdered by your other coworker.

You worked at a small boba shop were it was just you, your coworker C/n, and your boss B/n. But after your bosses death and your coworker getting sent to prison the shop got shut down.

There was one person who didn't leave you yet. Your bestfriend Shalnark. You were so worried that he was gonna leave you but he always stayed. He even promised to never leave you.

~Y/n POV~

I'm laying in my room contemplating on what I did to make everyone leave me. That's when I heard someone knock on my door then enter. I look up to see Shalnark standing in the doorway to my bedroom.

I quickly lean up excited since I missed him. I had given him a key to my apartment since he liked to check up on me.

"Hey Y/n!" He said kinda sadly to me as he sat next to me on the bed. "Hey Shal how was work?" I asked smiling. I knew he worked with the Phantom Troupe since he told me. I was also good friends with them but lately they've been avoiding me but I'm just glad Shal hasn't.

I noticed him look down. "Not great.. Phinks.. he.. our mission went wrong and he.. got killed.." he said sadness engraved into his voice.

I quickly wrap my arms around him to try to make him feel better. He hugged me back.

~Shalnarks POV~

"Dont worry..! I'm here for you. So if theres anything I can do to make you feel any better let me know" I heard Y/n say. I tighten my grip around their waist.

"Thanks.. Y/n.. I really appreciate it." I said smirking. Little do they know that I had taken Phinks out. It was in front of the entire troupe too. Simply as warning not to try to take the love of my life away from me.

~flashback to a few hours prior~

I was with the troupe in our crumbly hideout when Phinks said something that ticked me off. "Hey Shalnark. I know you told us not to talk to Y/n but I was wondering if their single. I know you still talk to them so I thought I'd ask." Phinks said to me.

My smile faded from my face. "Exuse me..? I dont think I heard you correctly. Y/n is mine. And their only mine. I'm not letting you take them away from me..." I said starting to lose my cool.

Everyone looked up at me in shock since they've never hear me talk like that before. "Then how about we flip for them?" Phinks asked pulling out a coin.

All eyes were now on us. "I dont think that will help. When I say Y/n's mine I mean it. I'll do anything for them.." I said standing up and walking over to Phinks. "Even if that means killing people that I would say I hold dear" I said now right in front of him.

He stood up. "Its first come first serve when it comes to manipulators and I came first so you can't stop me." I said jamming one of my entenis (That doesnt look like it's spelled right..."
into my leg.

When I finally come back from autopilot mood I look down to see Phinks on the floor laying in a puddle of blood. He was dead.

I look around to see the rest of the troupe in a mix of shock, fear, and panic.

"I'll only say this once. Dont ever think about getting close or even talking with Y/n again. Their mine and I'm theirs. Or else you'll be joining Phinks, Uvo, and Pakunoda in hell!" I said giggling a bit.

~End of flashback~

"Hey Y/n.. you think we can watch a movie?" I ask. Y/n parted from our hug and nodded sadly. They're probably upset about Phinks death but I try my best to ignore it.

Y/n puts on the movie which was a cheezy love story. I held them close as the movie played imagining that the two lovers in the movie were us.

Y/n ended up falling asleep before the movie even ended but I didnt mind. They looked cute asleep in my arms.

I brush a strand of hair out of their face and whisper softly, "Soon you will be mine. I promise nobody will get in the way... even if I need to take them out in the process. I love you Y/n goodnight..." I said gently kissing their forehead then drifting off to sleep.

Word count: 912

I hope you enjoyed! I'm not great with writing still but I hope that this was okay! And its definitely not 2 in the morning when I'm writing this lmao. -Love Anzu 💜💛💜

Shalnark x Reader Oneshots 💜💛💜 [Might Not Be Writing Again]Where stories live. Discover now