Chapter Twenty One

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"Different, I know." You were talking to Natasha as you sat down next to Steve at the conference table. Nat was staring at Thor, who was sitting in a chair in the corner. You were all about to talk about the stones. Apparently we were going back in time to different locations to take the stones, fix everything, and bring them back.

You had been talking for about fifteen minutes, discussing the different stones, what they were, what they do, and when you came in contact with them. Then you turned to Thor to talk about the Power stone, since he was the most familiar with that stone.

"Thor?" He looked like he had passed out in his chair while wearing a pair of shades and holding a beer can, "Is he asleep?"

"No, i'm pretty sure he's dead." Rhodey commented.

Once you finally got him up, he started talking, and he actually gave some helpful information, for a couple of minutes. Then, the topic of Jane Foster, his girlfriend, ex-girlfriend? You weren't really sure, came around and he started rambling on about her.

You couldn't help but feel like you were going to pass out and the stress of being in that room was overcoming you.

"I need some fresh air." You whispered. Then, you got up and left the room.


You stood on the balcony, letting the tears run down your face. A gush of cool air swept over you making a shiver go down your spine.

"Why," you whispered, "Why did you have to go? I need you." You looked up to the sky, "I need you Bucky." Now, you were shaking uncontrollably. "Why you?" You screamed. You threw both pf your hands on the railing and sobbed. You stopped crying and shot your head back up as you heard the door open behind you and footsteps.

"Steve, i'm not in the mood." You growled.

"Good thing i'm not Steve." You spun around to meet Tony. He crept closer until he stood right in front of you. "Come'ere kid." His arms opened and he pulled you into a hug. "We'll get him back. Even though, I do not approve of you and Mr. Barnes relationship."

"Spoken like a dad." You chuckled as you broke the hug.

"I know he loves you. He will do anything for you, and you, him. So, I need you to stop your tears and get to work." He smiled.

"Ok." You nodded.

"Let's get them back."


The next few days were long and tiring. Every hour was spent working. Building the machine, fixing the plan, until the day finally came that everything was ready.

Clint had volunteered himself to test it out. Bruce was explaining to him what to do and you were standing next to Tony, Steve, Nat and Rhodey, hoping it would work. Clint walked onto the platform and Bruce started up the machine. He started counting down and then, Clint was gone. Bruce then started counting down again.

"10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1.." And Clint returned. You all rushed over to him but Scott got there first with orange slices in hand.

"It worked." Nat said.

"Oh my god. It worked." You repeated.

Steve smiled and looked at you, "We can get them back."


You walked up to the platform next to Nat in your red and white suit, matching the rest of them. Then, Steve started one of his speeches.

'I mean, this guy could've been a really good political speaker.' You thought to yourself.

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