the weak bat

221 7 0

So owlette,gekko,ghostlette and Franken gekko were running to find catboy and count cat.

Ghostlette:I wonder where they can be.

Owlette:I call catboy on the communicator....catboy do you copy?as nobody responded.


Owlette:he isn't responding something happened to him and count cat!

Ghostlette:wait what than we need to go she picked up Franken gekko and owlette picked up gekko.

They were flying around looking for them they open each door slowly and didn't find them.

*with catboy and count cat*

Catboy was still tied up and count cat was still unconscious and they were put in separate cages.

Catboy:you won't get away with this romeo and other romeo!

Romeo:oh we are getting awat with this cause your pj and monster friends are looking through every door to find you two we when they finally come here the machine will already be on than we-

Mad romeo:I TAKE OVER ALL OF THE DIMENSIONS MUHAHAHA!!!!as he cut him off.

Romeo:you mean we right?as he glared at him.

Mad romeo:oh yeah we......but mostly me cause I did all the work!he mumbled under his breath.

Romeo:yeah sure.he mumble.

Romeo:anyways so we are almost finished and when were done than we can finally take over every they started to prepare the machine some more.

Catboy:*whispers*count cat count cat wake up!!as he trying to whisper loudly.

Catbot:*whispers*come on please wake up do it for me do it for Franken gekkobdo it for ghostlette!as count cat heard it and slowly opened his eyes.

Count cat tried to get up but his body was too weak.

Count that said in a soft voice.

Catboy:*whispers* it is me I am glad your awake can you break out of here using your vampire powers?

Count cat:*whispers*I will try to but I am still weak from the garlic so here goes nothing time to be a monster!as he grunted to turn into a bat than finally he turn into a bat.

Than he slip through the bars and flying wobbling he was close to the door.

Count cat's thought:I can do this I can do this!as he was close to the door and touching the ground.

Finally he made it to the door and it open which made the romeos look and count cat had left.


Romeo mad:don't worry he's too weak he will recover in about 59 minutes so he can't get to them for that long.

Romeo:man you cool or what.

Mad romeo:same as you good they both laugh and started to prepare the machine.

*with count cat*

He was feeling so weak that he was gonna fall off  but he still was flying.

Count cat:GHOSTLETTE....FRANKEN GEKKO....OWLETTE......GEKKO...... ANYONE!! he was about to fall on the ground.

Count he felled to the ground.

*with owlette,gekko,ghostlette and Franken gekko*

They were looking for the room where catboy and count cat till they heard there names.

Gekko:did anyone hear that!?

Ghostlette:yeah it sounded like.....COUNT CAT!!!


Ghostlette:I HEARD IT FROM OVER HERE FOLLOW ME!!!as they followed her.

They were running where the sound was coming from and when they were here they seen a bat on the floor.

Gekko:eww why is there a dead bat on the floor!as ghostlette looked closer and noticed it was count cat.

Ghostlette:that's not a dead bat its....COUNT CAT!!!as she pick him up and everyones eyes were wide open.

Ghostlette:count cat....count cat....COUNT CAT PLEASE WAKE UP!!!as she shook him alittle.

Gekko:*whisper*you think he's actually.....he whispered to owlette.

Owlette:*whisper*I think he is....she whispered to gekko.

Count cat:I'm not dead......just alittle moved his head over to them and told them in a soft voice.

Ghostlette:YOUR ALIVE I MISSED YOU!!!as she hugged him tightly.

Count he was trying to breath.

Ghostlette:oops sorry....are you ok count cat you look alittle under the weather?...

Count cat:I'm fine.....just got into alittle garlic accident.....but....that's not the problem right guys need to follow me because the romeos are almost finished and they got catboy! he tried to fly but landed on the floor.

Ghostlette:count cat you are in no condition to fly you are weak just tell us where catboy she pick him up.

Count cat:ok....just go straight they were going forward.

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