Chapter 25

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After a couple of days,Appa is flying extremely close to the water

Sokka:I'm not one to complain but can't Appa fly any higher?

Aang:I have an idea, why don't we hop on your back and have you fly us to the North Pole?

Katara:We're all just a little tired and cranky right now because we've been flying for two days straight...

Y/n is heard laughing as he sits on Appa's tail and splashes the water when he gets close enough

Katara:Well...except for y/n...but he rarely ever is mad or cranky...

Sokka:I'm glad he's having fun but me? I don't understand why we can't find the Northern Water Tribe...there's nothing up here...

They hear a loud splash behind them

Sokka:Wait guys stop! I think y/n fell in the water again!

Y/n walks back up

Y/n:Hmm? Y/n didn't water for swim?

Katara:So what was that splash just now?

Giant icicles starts to erupt from the water all around them

Aang:Hang on!

Aang tries to steer Appa but Appa still gets hit by a shard of ice as he spins and crashes in the water

Ice immediately makes their way towards them and freezes Appa from getting away

As they all recover from the crash they see small boats

Katara:That's the water tribe we found them!

Aang,Katara,and Y/n smile but Sokka...

Sokka:Wow...what a warm welcome...

Y/n tilts his head

Y/n:Ice is cold...yes?


Y/n:So...cold welcome?

This gets a small smile on Sokka's face

Sokka:Yup...the coldest...


Sokka:I don't know why they didn't just do this to start off...

Katara:They probably did that just to make sure we were friendly before letting us enter their tribe...

Aang:There it is!

Sokka:Well we're finally here

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Sokka:Well we're finally here....

Y/n:No more cranky...or angry friends!

A group of waterbenders open the gate by moving the ice and letting them in

Katara:I can't believe there are so many water benders here...

Aang:We'll find a master in no time...

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