32 - 2 v 2 Tournament

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"Where the hell is she?" Keishin mumbled, agitated.

"Relax, she probably got distracted by a puppy or something," Yusuke replied, handing the money to the man behind the register. "I've got this; you can pay me back after."

"You don't understand; she gets lost so easily; she is a nightmare for it honestly." He answered, pushing to his tiptoes, trying his best to see if he could spot her in the distance.

"What's worse her directional skills, forgetfulness or lateness?"

"Honestly, I don't know; they are all just as bad as each other."

Yusuke chuckled at his friend's stress. "Have you ever seen him like this before?" He asked Makoto.

"Looking like what?" Keishin mumbled, still not looking at them.

"Wasn't the last time like back in high school? With, what was her name again..." Makoto mumbled, his finger clicking as he tried to remember.

"Ya - no - Yor - Yam - Ye..." Yusuke murmured as he too tried to remember.

"Takara Yori!" Makoto said loudly with a point of his finger.

"Oh yeah, he was head over heels for her! Couldn't even ask her out on a date," Yusuke laughed. Keishin grumbled next to them but said nothing; they had a point. It had been years since he felt such strong emotions for someone.

"And then when he finally worked up the courage, she straight up rejected him!" Yúsuke laughed loudly with Makoto, Keishin grew red, and before he could answer, he heard a familiar voice.

"KEISHIN!" Yuki pushed through the crowd of people.

"Hey, what took you so long? Why are you out of breath?" he asked as she made her way beside him.

"I - signed us - up-" her arm lifted and finger pointed towards the direction she had run, "for a - 2 v 2 - volleyball tournament."


"It starts in - ten minutes!" she placed her hand on her knees. "Phew, that was a - long run!"

"You want me to play in a 2 v 2? I probably was not the best person to pick, babe," he replied, hand scratching the back of his neck.


"I'm probably the worse out of all of us," he chuckled awkwardly, "we probably won't get very far."

"I don't care about winning," she stood up straight, finally catching her breath. "I just t-thought it would be a fun thing for us to do." she beamed. "I like when we play together." Keishin cheeks grew red. After a moment of not answering, her smile faltered. "Unless y-you don't want too. Then I can ch-"

"No, no. I want too," Keishin smiled softly. "I just don't want to let you down..."

"You won't. Like I said, I want to play with you, and no one else knows how to set for me like you do. Truthfully I only ever want you or Yú by my side...but he doesn't know how to spike," they both chuckled.

Keishin watched her, how could he deny her when she smiled at him like that? "Okay, I'll play."

"YES!" But it did not change the fact that he was worried about the tournament, worried he would let her down. She was way ahead of him in skill, but maybe what he lacked she would make up for. They had trained together a fair amount; it was true; he did know how to set for her. He knew what to do to get the best out of her, they would make a good duo, but it did not stop the distress in the back of his mind.


Keishin, Yuki and the others waited on the sidelines as the tournament started. They were playing in the second match, against who they were not sure. Yuki became more excited with each second that went by, but Keishin became more nervous seeing how strong the opponents were. Was he just going to embarrass himself? Part of him wanted to pull out.

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