Another A/N 😓

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So my shits getting slightly better, my friends are finally made up again and my will to live is slowly starting to return, the last proper chapter was already completed before I write the last A/N although I hadn't realised at the time and that's why I didn't post it then, but yeah, hopefully I will get another chapter out soon if I have enough of a will to survive this right now, even though I pretty sure the majority of my friend group won't make it to the Year 11 prom, and that's only about 2 and a half years away but yeah, anyway, new chapter hopefully although I am drastically running out of ideas, so like....

If you have any ideas or requests that you think I could do that would be great,

And I've also recently got an idea for doing another book, like an x-reader book, but like would any of y'all read that? If you would, comment in this paragraph and if you have any ideas for that I would gladly take them 🙂.

So yeah, see y'all next chapter.❤️❤️❤️

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