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"Hey," Hoseok beamed as he jogged over to Jungkook, the youngest looking up with half a banana in his mouth. "We're on the phone with Aria. It's your turn. Go to room A8."

The banana fell out of Jungkook's mouth and he sprinted, eyes on the tops of the doors, waiting for 'A8' to appear. He only sped up once he saw the number and letter on the door.

"Text me a bunch Ari." Jimin smiled, holding the phone with both of his hands, glancing up at Jungkook. "Here's Jungkook now."

"Aria." Jungkook breathed, Jimin closing the door behind him quietly, letting the youngest have his time.



Jungkook let out a shaky breath, looking at the phone.

' Call Disconnected '

"No." Jungkook whispered, quickly pressing on Aria's name again, holding the phone tightly to his ear. It rang once before it was declined. "No no no Aria." He pressed his back against the wall, slowly falling to the ground.

"Aria." He whimpered, the third call being declined again. "Please be okay."


"'Our teacher wanted us to hold up a paper that held a word that we think describes ourselves and stuff like that. But the only word in my head was broken.'" Hoseok read aloud as he walked into Jin's room.

"Aria?" Jin pushed pause on his game, turning his chair towards Hoseok.

"On her page." Hoseok sat on Jin's bed, setting his phone down. "We need to do something."

"I have an idea."

- jin -

jin - (video sent)

aria - i-

aria - wtf was that

jin - that was grammy award worthy

aria - that was you singing Chicken Noodle Soup while Hoseok chased an alive chicken around the dance studio

jin - my vocals were on point

aria - you were screaming

jin - on

jin - point

aria - screaming

jin - magnificent

aria - made my ears bleed

jin - get better ears

aria - get a quieter voice

jin - get educated

aria - i am educated

jin - no you're not

aria - yes i am

jin - no you're not

aria - what's the electron configuration of Argon

jin - wtf is an electron

aria - get educated

jin - what do you want to be when you're older

aria - dead

"Oh dear." Hoseok mumbled, Jin sighing and rubbing his forehead. "That's ... what else can we do Jin?"

"I don't know Hoseok." Jin shook his head, not knowing what to reply. "Something must've happened today."

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