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About two months had gone by since your last visit with your mother and siblings. 

Your breathing was getting worse and the ability to walk or even stand was getting unbearable. You had trouble showering and doing just simple tasks like standing up to grab water. It frustrated you but you fought and fought. But it wasn't until one night when you really made your decision.


You woke up in a jolt, you knew what was coming.

You sat up quick to cough but this time the coughing wouldn't stop. You gagged and gasp for air as your lungs left like they were swollen shut. You held your throat as you coughed in pain, you just wanted all this to stop. The pain, the coughing, everything!

It had felt like an eternity when the coughing finally stopped. But to your displeasure, your hands had blood on them and your throat felt like sandpaper. 

You sat in your bed as you cried. The pain you felt was getting unbearable and you knew it was time.

But the coughing wasn't the only thing that got bad. You found yourself sleeping a lot more as you didn't have the energy like you used to.

You lost weight and had trouble eating as many foods just scratched your throat. Liquids were  your only option now.

You knew that it was time. 

You pulled out your phone and texted Akaashi, as you couldn't speak due to the pain.

"It's time Keiji..can you take me to the hospital..I can't do this anymore.."

Now here you were. Laying down in the hospital bed watching Akaashi next to you sleep. 

When his eyes finally opened, you smiled to him. "Morning." Your voice cracked and was a bit rough, but it was manageable to still speak.

"How long have you been awake?"

"Not long."

He nodded and sat up to stretch. "You know what today is?"

"Bokuto-san's birthday." He smiled.

You nodded with a smile. "Did you pick up his gift for me?"

"I did yes, I have it right here." He handed you a small box.

You smiled as you admired the box in your hands. You couldn't wait to give Bokuto his gift.

"When is he coming over?" You asked but let out a cough in the process. Akaashi handed you a cup of water.

"I can text him when he's done classes."

"Okay..You know.."

"I know..But I'm fine with doing my classes online, besides I'm not leaving your side."

You smiled and nudged your head in your pillow to get a bit more comfy.

"Wake me up when he gets here?"

"Of course." He smiled as he watched your body ease into sleep again. He was used to seeing you awake for a short time as he knew your body was exhausted and needed its rest. He pulled out his lap top and started to work on his class work. He was thankful that his program was offered online and that he was aloud to switch, but he wasn't gonna lie, He missed going to classes everyday.

About an hour passed by and the nurse walked in to do her usual work. You woke up to the nurse shaking her and telling her that she just has to change her IV.

"What time is it Keiji?"

"About eleven."


"Is done his classes at two today, he'll be right over when he's done."

You nodded.

Akaashi then grabbed your hand and held it tight as the nurse did her work on you. 

Once she left Akaashi closed the tabs on his laptop and crawled into bed with you. "Wanna watch a movie?"

You nodded with a smile. 

"Which one?"

"It's sad but..can we watch A Walk to Remember?"

"Sure." He smiled as he searched up the movie and started to play it.

"I like his movie a lot.."

He smiled as he kissed your forehead. "If your sleepy, you can sleep okay?"

You nodded but kept your eyes on the movie playing in front of you.

Akaashi had his arm wrapped around you as he watched the movie. He wasn't a big person on sappy movies, but he'd do anything for you.

Once the movie was over, You wiped your hand across your eyes as the tears flowed down your face.

"That was sad.." Akaashi said as he tucked a piece of your hair behind your ear. "But I see where you got the whole "You can't fall in love with me."

You smiled. "Guilty, but I'm glad you did anyways."

He smiled as he pulled your chin up to kiss you.



"Can I listen to your heart beat?"

He smiled as he scooted down a bit so you could lay on his chest. You smiled as you felt yourself fall into a deep sleep to the soft beats of his heart.


"Bokuto's here Y/n" Akaashi said has he shook you awake.

"Bo?" You said as your opened your eyes. You smiled when you recognized his golden eyes.

You sat up. "Happy birthday Bo!" You opened your arms.

Bokuto smiled as he hugged you. "Thanks y/n!"

You pulled away quickly and smiled. "I have a present for you!"

His eyes lit up. "You didn't have to do that!"

You shrugged. "I know, but I did anyways. Keiji?"

Akaashi grabbed the box that was on your night stand and handed it to you.
You smiled as you handed it to Bokuto.

Bokuto laughed at the owl wrapping paper but he slowly opened the box.
His eyes widened as he pulled out a simple pin.

On the pin was 必勝 (Certain Victory)
It had also both your and Bokuto's favorite colours.

Bokuto looked at your with tears in his eyes.

"You can wear it to your games and when you feel sad or angry and need that bit of motivation, you can look down at that pin and remember that to me, you're the number once ace and you can do it. When you wear it, I'll always be there with you."

The tears came flowing down both of your faces, as he pulled you into another hug.

"Thank you Y/n." He said softly in your neck.

Everything's Changed. (Akaashi X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now