Part 38

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*1 week later*
Emm ( Dream) POV

Y'all I can hear everything i just can't move. Y'all I just want to cry but they can't hear me. I can't feel shi. When I wake up all I kno is that niggga dead on me. His ass a goner,I happy that they waited for me. I really didn't get it why come back after years of not being together. He hunted me in the worst ways, I could've died an to think I let his ass go. My comeback funna be crucial. I hear Game talking to me righ now. We haven't known each other for a long time but he is still by my side. I love this man y'all, it hasn't been long but him being here for me when I need it an he doesn't have to. Says lot.My first 3-4 day into the coma I had a dream I saw my princess an K an this little boy befor it end.


I heard this noise but couldn't see anything. Then I saw 2 shadows. It was K an a lilttle girl that look like me an Ari mix with Jay complexion. It was my baby girl I saw a chain she has, it had her initial RR it stands for Renee Royal. Since I was raising her on my own I already pick her name but never got to name her bc of that bitch ass niggga. That's the name I chose.

Dreamy you gotta wake up"K said *smiling at 1 of his baby sisters*

Yes mommy you have to auntie Ari been talking to her self I see her every night  bc she prays an I y'all angel well me an uncle K an baby L"Renee said smiling an giggling *Dream really didn't hear when Renee says Baby L, so Dream didn't Think nothing of it*

Y'all my baby girl is right in front of me an she's my angel. I feel like I lost it bc I didn't want to leave I felt like I failed her I COULDN'T SAVE HER. I couldn't do anything but drop to my knees an cry. I never felt so weak in my life, I felt weak letting that mf put his hands on me but righ here was a different kind of pain. I would trade my life just to see her in real life get to hold her, tuck her in bed, sleep with her, change her, walk with her everything just for a day. This shi crazy she's so big an I couldn't see her grow. I had to see her while I'm in a coma that I wanted so badly to leave but I didn't want to now.

I'm so sorry baby that I couldn't save you"I said *Dream can barely breath just looking at her baby girl that not with her in real life, but only here while she's in a coma*

It's fine mommy uncle K tells me all about my crazy uncle an aunties an especially you"Renee said

I can't believe she's with my brother I finally look away from Renee an look at Kyle my big brother.

KayKay im sorry" I said I felt like I failed him, he always thought us how a man is supposed to treat us an I did the complete opposite.

Dream you don't have to be sorry god always makes no mistakes, you are strong an I need you to wake up ,you promise me something befor I left an I need you to stick to it Ariana can't take another loss" K said with tears in his eyes he probably saw how she was he right I can't leave her but I don't want to leave my baby either

Can we stop talking about this righ now an can I spend time with y'all pls K I don't want to leave pls" I begged

Mommy we only can stay for a little we have to go back" Renee said

Why"I said about to panic

We had to come bc everybody in the family is praying an as y'all angels we gotta come"K said

Okay I will try to wake up but can I get a promise from y'all" I said

Yes"They said

Can y'all visit me in my dream, I mean us"I said , I would love for my family to see my baby

Yes we will" K said

Okay but you have to get up auntie Ari goin crazy, don't I look like her an you ,uncle K always says it but I think I look better"Renee said making me an K laugh

Yes you do, so ya see how yo aunties an uncle acting"I asked bc if she sees them don't that mean she sees how they work

I been watching you guys since I been here, mom Me an uncle never felt you guys we see everything"Renee said, I almost pass out that mean she sees me killing people

I'm sorry if ya seen things that you should have"I said with my head down, I don't want my child to look at me evil or as a demon

It's okay bc y'all do it for a good reason, I think it's called business as I heard auntie Ari say if you ain't gon do it righ then you gotta go bc we not to be played with" Renee said with her index finger waving I'm dead she said "we"

You Ari twin fasho" K an I said laughing at her

Yea bc I run this, an mom auntie said ya needs wake up to take care of Jay aka my dad" Renee said, my heart stop when she said dad an his name

Umm you know who Jay is baby" I said I really didn't want her to know him but it is her dad an she deserve to know

Yes I do, his the person that didn't want me or you to have me. Why would he kill me if we have to same blood"Renee said sad

Umm he was dumb an wasn't ready for a baby, I'm sorry for letting him do that to you I really am, I though he would be excited when he found out bc we been together for a long time like really long an I though he loved me an I most definitely love him so I thought a baby would make us complete, love I'm sorry" I said regarding him letting him hit me an taking my child away from me. I can't believe I fell for his ass.

It's not your fault, I'm sorry that he hit you bc you wanted me an you still didn't get me but now we finally can see each other face to face. I love you mommy an I'm living through you"Renee said showing her nice teeth

I love you to I love y'all so much, why does it sound like y'all are fading away pls don't go" I said

Dream wake up we love you but we gotta go" K said

Bye mommy, get him back!!! Oh an I see you wid ya lil boyfriend as aunties says. He gon be the 1 fasho"Renee said

NO! NO! COME BACK COME BACK!" I said crying an I watch as they fad away befor they left I saw K reach over to a 3-4 year old tha look like Ari an L-NVM I'm trippin

*Dream thought she was trippin so she push tha though out her head*

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