chapter 3 - moonlit calm

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[chapter 3 - moonlit calm]

Being what Takeshi was, an alien race coming by the name of crowryki and other... nicknames, he was used to lustful stares from all genders, races, and sexual orientations far and wide. He was naturally captivating, gorgeous, which caused even the most calm and collected beings in the multiverse to drool in want, a want to wrap themselves around his form and stay there for eternity until they couldn't feel anything other then complete self hatred for their idiotic choices.

He was a vessel, a hollow shell with no natural emotion or personality. A deity of mirage, illusion, and shape shifting, a snake of lies and untold truths that god's themselves could never let fall past their crisp lips. He was an apex predator, designed like a blooming golden flower with a lust-filled scent, to lure in dumbfounded victims into his petals before seizing them entirelly in a clawed cage of bittersweet felicity. They were demons of disaster, adapting and changing and shifting in order to capture their lost prey's attention and steal their souls from their euphoria-tipsy forms before crushing them completely into their palms like glass snowflakes, sprinkled in blood wine and slurped down their starving gullets.

Beneath the illusions is a complete demon, one of terrifying strengths that outweigh their perfection that rests in a single swirling crimson pearl inside the chest of every crowryki; its heart, unable to be shattered aside from the claws of another. It is irrational and insane, unable to think for itself as its burning claws carve themselves around a crowryki's beauty, trying to push it deep, down into nothing to show its true withered form; a monster born from hell's flames itself. It rages and wreathes and when it does show itself, it never rests, but instead devours everything in its path, burning and melting into once great civilizations, lost powers, realms and tearing them into nothing but drifting ashes of silver dust. Complete and utter chaos unable to end.

Takeshi was nothing but a perfect obeying puppet of an unescapable rage, tasked with stealing life-forces in hopes of calming the storm.

That didn't mean the crowryki didn't like to play with his food.

Sophie's entire face erupted in an embarrassing shade of tomato red, crawling down her neck and up her ears like licking flames. Takeshi only stared at her, an unreadable expression on his face and an indescribable look in his black eyes.

"I-I mean!" Sophie practically gasped for air, fanning her face frantically with sky blue painted nails. "When we were in the alleyway - wait, no, not like that! It sounds wrong when I say it like that! - yo-you're skin was so warm, like a fire, like lava!"

Sophie flicked her wide chocolate colored eyes up at Takeshi - what a strange name - and studied his gloriously handsome face. He seemed conflicted, a slight furrow in his dark eyebrows that relaxed almost as soon as her eyes slid across it.

"Are you sure?" His voice rang gently in her ears, making her nose turn red again. "It was probably just your distressed nerves - definitely after... all that happened."

The girl considered it. She didn't like the slight amused tone of his voice, but sent the alarming feeling In her chest away with a blink of her eyelashes. It sort of made sense, so she smiled at him, though flinched slightly when his thumb brushed against her cheek as she shifted her head. Sophie tried to play it off as a piece of hair blowing into her eyes, excessively blinking, but Takeshi seemed to catch it like a loose firefly.

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