chapter 9 - coiling lightning

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[chapter 9 - coiling lightning]

[trigger warning - kidnapping(?), sorta-kinda violence, and a shit chapter]

The plane was stuffy as hell.

By pure coincidence, Takeshi managed to snag the seat next to Jaynie. She said it must be fate, but Takeshi only rolled his blue eyes at that. They happened to exchange numbers while waiting for their plane together, which the crowryki was hesitant to do with the phone he nearly forgot existed in one of the front pockets of his bag. It was a risk for him to even have a phone on the job, since they were easily hackable into suitable trackers, but he never expected himself to have human's number locked hidden within it. But something inside of him wanted to cherish it like the last shimmering ruby on earth.

Some kind of rapid beat rang lightly from the one earbud Jazzy shared with him, the other in her own ear as they listened to some upbeat music together to block out the utter screaming of a toddler not far from them. With his back firmly pressed against the scratchy and stiff chair cushion behind him, Takeshi listened to Jaynie ramble on about what she going to do in Berlin once the plane lands.

"There's this amazing restaurant like right next to the airport. I heard from this vlog that it has this really neat melted cheese dish that tastes absolutely bonkers! Do you think we could go together? I would totally pay for everything, I swear." Jazzy's voice trailed off slightly as her brown eyes followed one of his thin fingers twirling a curled strand of hair on his forehead absentmindedly.

"Oh," Takeshi shook himself off slightly, noticing he was literally glaring into her soul for three minutes straight through her explosion of words. "Sure. I mean, after I get to my hotel, that is."

"Yeah, yeah, of course." Jazzy smirked, tapping something slyly on her phone. "Anyway, what are you coming to Germany for? I'm here for school, some kind of transfer thing my dad dragged me into. I have some family house here I'm going to be staying at though, so I don't need to book a hotel. I'll see if they'll let you stay there with us instead of wasting money on a hotel room."

Jaynie didn't even wait for his acceptance before she stabbed her finger nails into the screen with excitement, her leg bouncing irritably fast beneath her like a jack rabbit, jingling the clips and chains on her baggy pants.

"I have an important assignment I have to do." Takeshi said slickly, tapping a pointer finger on his temple after it left one of his curls bouncing against his skin. "I was actually in Berlin last week, but now it seems I have to come back."

Takeshi was generally actually confused when they called him to come back to do another mission in Germany, since it would have been easier to do when he was there last week. But, the crowryki simply rolled his eyes and sighed at the thought; the remaining leaders of Hydra weren't exactly intelligent or something just happened to pop up that they desperately needed Takeshi to do the dirty work for.

"So your family's like rich rich, huh?" Jazzy smirked and he only shrugged, his shoulders somehow graceful in the action.

A sharp ear piercing ding sounded from her phone and she easily slid it back into her palm to read the message, a frown slightly appearing on her face before her signature smirk placed itself against her lips.

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