chapter 4 - burning sun

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[chapter 4 - burning sun]

[trigger warning - blood and violence/gore]

Blood dripped slowly, effortlessly on the once clean white tile floor of a shadow filled room, in a deathly quiet house. A golden wolf's bane flower glistened in the beams of moonlight filtering lazily through almost transparent white curtains.

Takeshi wiped the iron scented crimson liquid off his thin black knives on his cloak, watching it soak into the fabric before disappearing completely like crisp invisible ink. He lined the sliced up bodies next to each other, trying to find the family resemblance in the two corpses.

The chocolate eyes matched perfectly.

Takeshi crouched down next to Sophie, peering curiously into her glazed eyes, trying to see the last bits of life swirl frantically around in them, like an enraged ghost. She wasn't dead yet. He brushed his slender gloved fingers lightly against her cheek, over the bruise, watching as the wet blood on the fabric slid across her skin like red oil paint.

The gloved hand then went for the tight black mask around his face, almost ripping it off as he went to pull it down from his nose in harsh impatience. The blood from his fingers was a complete contrast to his paper skin, and the inky crimson shimmered in the moonlight as Takeshi dipped forward and almost put his entire face over Sophie's, his shadow casting dangerous wreathing thorned vines that scattered across the floor, stretching from her knotted hair like Medusa's serpents. 

The crowryki knew it was too risky to feed on one of his mission's victims, especially when they've become quite famous on the human planet, but the demon inside of him pulsed and hissed and pushed against his mental barriers. So he watched, desperate in hunger, as one of his slender hands pressed first gentle against Sophie's chest, feeling the mortal warmth pulse into the fabric, before firmly and completely collapsing her ribs in a simple push of his weight. A rhythm of cracks and gurgles resonated in the house, breaking the silence and sending a symphony of bliss into Takeshi's ears.

A last, broken breath choked itself from Sophie's pain-parted lips, a whimper that cracked again the silence that followed. Oblivious to the warm blood pooling itself around one of Takeshi's hands, the other shot for the breath escaping from her dying figure. Fingers curling around something solid, the crowryki brought it forward instantly, staring lustfully at it, eye's sparkling with pure curiosity and euphoria.

A soul. 

Only escaping in the last dying breath of a mortal, the soul curled itself into a pearl of slivery smoke, surface reflecting like shimmering crystal that blinked with a light like a faint heartbeat. Not every being could see a soul and catching one was told a myth, yet seeing and catching one was but an easy, natural task for the crowryki.

Takeshi wasted no time and shoved the orb into his unhinged jaws, the cage around the soul popping like a simple soap bubble when it caressed his teeth, fangs and lips snapping around the sudden liquid pooling in his mouth. He gulped endlessly, savagely at the liquid that seemed to regenerate in his mouth and could only taste it as the last puddles of it rained down his throat. It was sweet, yet sour. It was spicy, but bitter and tangy. It felt sharp in his mouth, but smoother then honey down his fake esophagus and light as a breath inside a hidden chamber within his body, his porcelain skin feeling suddenly like scales waiting the be shed.

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