chapter 10 - breathing stars

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[chapter 10 - breathing stars]

[pov - Ist person | Takeshi]




A heartbeat. Not of my own of course. Lazy, but determined in its bored beat, thumping easy against a warm chest. Boiling blood pulsed through blue vines, stripped of their leaves and pointed in their roots. Muscles hissed, curled tightly beneath thin skin and slithered into slender coils. I could feel eyes, shimmering emerald in their color, tickling my face, skimming across my porcelain skin and resting beneath the curve of my eyebrows.

Fingers, soft and sticking from the hug of gloves surrounding them, caressed the skin of my upper right arm. Not an awkward embraced, though completely contrasted. It was professional, trained, and studying. A press of a finger pad against my skin did nothing to bend the flesh, the steel mesh of my skin solid and searing against the thin plastic glove.

A breath, warm on its own, but nothing compared to the heat radiating off my skin, brushed against my face and rustled the curl of hair across my forehead. I was suddenly aware of how close the curious human was to my face, their heartbeat quickened and rattled against their ribs, a bird caught in a cage too small.

I inhaled through my nose, unnoticeable in the nameless room and silent in the stir of air, but stopped as hot acid filled my lungs. I didn't exhale.

I felt the liquid pool in my mouth, hissing against my teeth and molten against the walls of flesh residing just past them. From my parted lips a few drops slid, dripping down the side of my chin and kissing the air in a ring, a hiss, of awareness. The man, the masculine tang of his nervous sweat in the air making it obvious, backed away, a breath choked easily in his throat.

A pen clicked, a rustle of paper echoed, and the scraped noise of chicken scratch writing followed. Eyebrows furrowed, slightly, unnoticeably, a small show of my annoyance. A breath, more a huff than a sigh, cracked the air. Dress shoes clopped against tile, white with speckles of grey like the surface of a moon, and the creak of a door handle resonated across the room, piercing the hum of distant technology, electricity. A lost shiver slid across my smooth skin, a choked whisper hissing against the walls of my mind, the ribs of my skull shaking.

Fingers twitched unknowingly, panther claws curling into its prey. Blood. The smell rolled easily, rain pattering against black top, flowing into the cracks and flooding into the soil. Roots hissed, leaves shook, and wind sang. A howl, distant, creaking like a farm door. Footsteps crashing, flashing lightning and roaring thunder. A voice whispered, words sweet and syllables coiling like the soft touch of a loved one. A mother pulling me into a hug, cherry smell swirling as smoke and blocking out the scent of blood like a crystalline rainbow to a storm.

Whispers, hisses, and snarls. Skin rippled beneath claws, blood seeping easily into the ridges of finger pads like water through a river, popping against the dryness. Electricity. It burned memories like flimsy film, hissing against the plastic and melting over ink. Memories that didn't belong in my mind, belonging to millions of restless souls clawing at my heart, leaving behind slashes of ink black against crimson.

A breath. Acid choking against my throat and dripping easily like a waterfall from my pale lips, soaking black against once white sheets.

Bright red flashed and air pierced slitted pupils. Thin midnight ink pooled the corners of my eyes, tears burning against the chill of the oxygen encasing them. Lavender lips cracked, a camera light blinked, and fangs lashed. 

Then a night sky, stars blinking, breathing, innocently in their constellations, like witnesses. 


But then a voice, light and singing, caressing shivers across skin.

"Hope you're at least a little excited, darling."

Part 1 |the rain & the sky| complete. ]

[ Part 2 |the heartbeat & the breath| commencing. ]

[author's note]

short chapter. whatever.

it's more of an introduction into the next part, ya know?

it was probably my best "chapters" anyway so shuuush.

uh, part two is next; idk how many parts there will be or how long each of them are but it's a start!

soooooo yea. oh, Taki is going to have a new friend following him around, BUT I won't tell you any more about it. and he's not really a friend either, more of his insecurities talking to him, like his conscious.. i guess. idk i'll explain more or whatever later.

OH I also did like this 1st person kind of perspective now, and I think I'ma stick with it. I'm not really comfortable with it yet, so that's why I need to write more with it. k.

favorite season; winter, or autumn. cause it's cold. my birthday is also in fall, too, but that's not important.



love ya'.

[834 words]

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