That Damn Nara Brain

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So he hadn't expected to get caught, and by somebody so damned smart, that they weren't even at the same skill level as him, but his brain put him so ahead of the playing field he was easy to capture. That is what probably hurt the Kit's pride the most. The fact that a simple Jounin captured him, when he could hide from Anbu and Hokage's alike.

That was really rude of the Nara to capture him. So here he is, mask still covering his face as he was handcuffed and in an interrogation room. He assumed he was waiting on Ibiki and or Inoichi or even Shikaku. However when he closed his eyes and he heard the familiar voice of.

"Did you miss me princess?"

The Kit wanted to gag. He wanted to kill the teen sitting across from him. He wasn't nothing but a year maybe two years older than him. Clearly he was old enough to smoke so he was at least eighteen. Honestly he was annoying, and he was sure the Nara knew he was annoying.

"I'll miss you if you take these cuffs off." The Kit answered, he knew the answer was going to be a hard no, however he watched as the lazy pineapple sat across from him with a smile on his face, as if he found that statement amusing,

The Kit wanted to rip that smile right off of his face.

"That Nara makes me want to kill him."


"So I'm Shikamaru Nara, and for my safety those cuffs will not come off." The Kit didn't really care for his name, he hadn't asked. He honestly wouldn't mind rotting in here, technically they had no idea what he did and or what he could do.

"What's your name?" Shikamaru asked him, for protection sake he bounded the criminal across from him with his shadows. He couldn't really tell what the younger was feeling. He couldn't see his emotions but for some reason, Shikamaru felt as if the teen across from him wanted him dead.

Though his princess would never kill him.

"What do you want to talk about?" Shikamaru watched as those stormy eyes stared down into his soul. Shikamaru felt like he was prey, though none of it showed on his face. He sighed and placed the papers down revealing a list of what the leaf village believed he did.

Outside of the double sided glass was their Hokage, Kakashi Hatake. He believed he's seen that teen sitting in the chair, he saw his advisor talking to the criminal because he believed he could relate to them in age while Lady Fifth stood next to him.

"What are the crimes we think he's committed?" Tsunade asked, confused and Kakashi sighed as Shikamaru started reading them off.

"We have you on the suspicion of stealing, murder and identity theft." The red and black haired teen hummed. Eyes blinking. They truly did look like a storm all grey with a tiny hint of violet.

"Can you explain those charges in detail?" To which made Shikamaru roll his eyes.

"The Uchiha's funds dropped drastically. They were wealthy and you've stolen a lot to make them bankrupt, people claimed to see a black haired teen leaving the area the time of the crime."

"Continue please." The younger teen said and Shikamaru squinted his eyes.

"You are suspected of murdering, Hizuren Sarutobi. Danzo Shimura. Fugaku Uchiha, and even attempted murder of Sasuke Uchiha."

"Well fuck I thought we killed him."

"Ugh me too."

"And this identity theft you speak of?" The Kit said and Shikamaru blinked at how nonchalant this teen is. If this was all the case he would be sentence for death.

"You've stolen the eyes of an Uchiha clan member." The Kit blinked, and blinked.

"Just when I was praising you for being so smart, you went and had this dumb comment slip out of your mouth."

Shikamaru's, Kakashi's and Tsunade were interested in how the teen was going to get out of this.

"Like you said Nara, this is all speculation. Yes you've all seen me around the land of fire  and think I'm suspicious because I didn't go to any ninja school and or like to be around people in general but that's because I was disowned from my clan at four, when they found out who my father really was." Shikamaru's tilted his head and the teen smiled.

"Anyways, there is not a single drop of evidence and or proof that I killed and or stole anything. You have no means of keeping me here I would like to be released." Shikamaru blinked.

"This isn't your home village, we keep tabs on all civilians and Ninja and nobody with your hair color and eyes are in our files." The teens eyes blinked.

"Did you check in the presumed dead files?" Shikamaru knew that nobody that didn't work for the Hokage or the Hokage would even know what that was.

"How..." The Kit interrupted him.

"You want to make this simple, how about you bring down your lovely Fourth Hokage and his wife to this room? They should be home right about... now actually."

Exactly at that moment the fourth Hokage and his wife were coming back home, returning from a small errand. They were headed home because they were tired and exhausted and wanted to sleep, however that changed when Kakashi found them and quickly asked them to follow him.

"You know, I hate you and the way your brain runs." The Kit said to the Nara. The Nara who was quiet trying to figure how he could get this no named criminal to confess to these crimes.

"Here I thought we were getting along princess." Those grey eyes blinked and blinked.

"Get along with a puppet of the village? Not at all. You have a brain that is capable of understanding even the most difficult of task and or phrases, and instead of doing something useful with that brain you actually spent it being the Hokage's bitch." Shikamaru's eyes narrowed, and the Kits eyes didn't look as if he was backing down either.

"This village is feeding you lies, and I'll prove it when that door opens." The teen in cuffs said and in a second that door opened.


Ugh this hurting my Shikanaru heart.


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