The Act

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Naruto was going crazy. He was on twenty four hour lock down and so he did the only thing that made sense to him. He decided to go through everything in this house. He was left in this house with food and water and things that Shikamaru held dear. He was annoyed that he was left in the place. He was pretty sure the place was bugged, so he wouldn't dare talk to himself about anything.

So he was in a room that looked like a library, he calmly read through they types of scrolls and books on the shelves. It was boring however it served as entertainment until he was soon drifting to sleep on the floor of the library.

"You need to stop sleeping everywhere. Get up and go in the bed."

"Shut up!"

Naruto's closed his eyes and drifted to sleep, he was in dream land while Shikamaru was in the Hokage's office, he was going through folders and folders of things. He hadn't meant to stumble upon an old folder with the same initials as their Third Hokage and the old head of the Uchiha clan. His eyes squinted and decided to take that home to read it.

He honestly didn't listen to a word Naruto said, but there is something about this puzzle piece not fitting cleanly together with others. He hated when the puzzle he worked so hard on turns out to be wrong and so he continued doing his job but with a nagging voice in his head that told him to,

Dig deeper.

Like the obedient individual he was, he listened. He kept digging and digging and soon he had enough folders that would cause the average person to cry, however all these folders will help Shikamaru determine a lot of things, and hopefully it'll be putting somebody behind bars.

Naruto still slept contently on the floor not hearing the door open, the door to the library was open. The voice called out to Shikamaru but received no response, instead of going home they continued to head to where they felt the chakra signature at.

The person stood at the door, tilting their head as the black and red headed teen still slept as if nothing in the world was wrong. Said person only hummed and sat in the couch, opening a book and waiting for the stranger who was passed out on his son's floor to wake up.

He underestimated how long he would be here reading some books.

Shikamaru was walking home, files in hand as he was prepared to read all of these. He was lazy and knew that he would set these down and procrastinate on reading them, but at least he knew that he was going to eventually read them. However on his way home he was being stopped by every and anybody. Including Menma.

"Where's your boyfriend Nara?" Shikamaru doesn't know why, but Menma always gave him a feeling that he knew more than everybody else.

Like their was a secret and he was the only one that knew it.

"Chained to my bed." Shikamaru replied back, he was in a rush and everybody was annoying him.

"So I've heard. You should let us meet them. It would do Hinata good meeting new people." Menma said walking past Shikamaru. Shikamaru hummed and spoke.

"What do you know Menma?" Menma froze and smiled, a grin etched to his face as he spoke.

"I know as much as you Shikamaru. Now if you excuse me, I have to make it to my wife that is not chained to my bed." Shikamaru eyes rolled as he continued in home.

Naruto opened his eyes from sleeping on the floor. He didn't know what time it was, but he could feel another energy in the room. He calmly moved so he was looking at the man in front of him.

"You slept like a log for six hours." Naruto's blinked as he looked at the man that was an older version of Shikamaru. Nara's definitely had good genes.

"Yeah well I'm a prisoner to this home with nothing to do. I'm trying to get let out for good behavior." Naruto said replying, standing and yawning.

"I'm sure the investigation is moving along. You'll be out before you know it." The man said following behind Naruto. He watched as the teen moved around the kitchen making dinner.

"I usually make enough for me, but you are nice would you like some?" Naruto asked and Shikaku spoke.

"I would love some Naruto. I'm Shikaku Nara." Naruto snorted, he knew exactly who this man was. He and the older Nara continued talking about small things, the cuffs still on his wrist, he looked like a felon.

"I like this Nara."

"Me too, maybe it happens with age?"

"Yeah it seems like he knows or at least has some idea of the corruption."

"He might've worked through it."

The door opened the minute Naruto handed Shikaku a plate. The door closed and shoes were being kicked. Shikamaru hadn't said anything and walked passed the the duo in the kitchen.

Naruto asked Shikaku about getting new cuffs and he said he would come by with chakra restraining cuffs that didn't pinch the skin. Naruto spoke his appreciation when Shikamaru came into the kitchen and looked at Naruto.

"Did you make me a plate? Or am I eating takeout?" Naruto rolled his eyes.

"Your father talked me into making you a plate but for that fucking attitude you can starve tomorrow." Naruto's placed his plate on the table.

"I'm going to bed." Shikamaru's rolled his eyes and Shikaku spoke.

"You just hibernated for six hours." Naruto scoffed.

"Nice to meet you Nara-San. Oh and Shikamaru before I forget to tell you." Shikamaru looked at those stormy grey eyes and tilted his head.

"Fuck you, I hope you choke." Naruto walked past Shikamaru and slammed the door to Shikamaru's room just to spite that mother fucker.

Shikaku looked to see Shikamaru rolling his eyes, he didn't even get to ask before Shikamaru explained.

"We do not like one another at all." Shikaku blinked he looked up at heaven asking his wife a simple question.

Are you going to guide him or do I?

Shikaku hadn't expected an answer. He knew he had to open up his sons eyes.

Clearly he was into the teen upstairs, if not for his looks and or personality. It was because that their personality was like oil and water, and that's what drew the Nara's in.

The act of something being troublesome yet rewarding.

This was Shikamaru's Act.


Low key liking this Naruto. :)

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