Day One Of Being Babysat

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"Can these cuffs come off?" Naruto asked as he walked in he Kitchen that belonged to the Nara. He lived alone shockingly, he thought that he would still live at home because he wasn't married yet.

"I thought I've told you for the tenth time today that no , they cannot come off. Not until we find out who really killed those people." Naruto rolled his eyes.

"Y'all are annoying. I'm going to bed." Shikamaru blinked.

"It's 8am Naruto."

"I don't give a rats ass what time it is. I'm not hungry and you aren't taking these cuffs off, you aren't taking me outside, and I'm not allowed to head to the office with you because you all think I'll sneak a file or something." Shikamaru rolled his eyes and heard somebody knocking on the door.

"Annoying, I'm heading to..." Naruto started but the door just opened anyways. Shikamaru groaned and Naruto who was heading to bed looked towards the door.

"I thought I told you to stop letting yourself in." Shikamaru said as he sat up, yawning he looked at the blonde who was standing with her hand on her hip.

"Temari is in the village and she says you haven't hung out with her." Shikamaru folded his arms.

"Because I don't want too, you all can't force me to marry the first and only person who's wanted to be more than friends." Naruto was snickering to himself. He could feels Shikamaru's heated glance at him.

"She's totally into you! Is she the reason why you don't want to be with her?" Shikamaru tilted his head, and Naruto was soon met with light blue eyes, and platinum blonde hair, she sized the person and spoke.

"She's cute too, though you should totally let Temari down if that's is the case." Naruto snorted loudly and clutched his stomach.

"Weren't you supposed to go to bed? Huh." Shikamaru asked and Naruto hummed.

"I guess I did say that. See you later Blondie." She smiled and waved.

"Ino Yamanaka." Naruto smiled and spoke from the stairs.

"You can call me Kit. See you Yamanaka-Chan." Naruto said smiling and Ino smiled back. Naruto closed the door to Shikamaru's room and slept his life away while Shikamaru was being badgered by his blonde haired old Genin teammate.

"Shut up! I'm not dating Temari, and I'm not dating Kit! Leave my house so I can go sleep." Ino rolled her eyes, the Chunin looked at Shikamaru.

"I knew I should've sent Neji. Anyways sleep well. I'll Tell Temari you aren't interested." Shikamaru waved the woman off and got up and walked after her.

"Kit is very pretty. She seems like your type." Shikamaru rolled his eyes.

"Kit is a boy." Shikamaru said in an annoyed voice, clearly frustrated with today's events and he has only been awake for two hours. He was about to head to sleep like Naruto but froze at what she said.

"So your gay? You could've just said that. As if any of us would be mad at you for that. Bring Kit out sometimes he's seems like a he's be fun to hang out with." Shikamaru's rolled his eyes.

What would you all say if you all knew he is a criminal.

"Whatever, hurry up and leave." Ino scoffed and headed out, waving and saying her goodbyes. Shikamaru rolled his eyes and headed to his room. He looked at the bed and groaned when he saw Naruto sleeping.

Honestly Naruto looked innocent, however he was in his bed when he had a whole guest room next door. He grew annoyed but realized he wouldn't dare lose against Naruto. This was his bed so he would sleep here. 

He moved Naruto over almost knocking him off the bed, though Naruto merely groaned and went back to sleep. Shikamaru laid in his bed facing away from Naruto. He ended up heading back to sleep, sleeping contently because there was now a warmth radiating from the right side.

Ino managed to meet up with her friends and tell them what she has learned, she watched as everybody asked for more details but she hardly had any. There was nothing other than he was cute and looked very feminine.

"What does he look like?" That was rare, Menma hardly hung out with them, however he and Sasuke were sitting next to one another wanting to know more about the teen.

"He had red and black hair, stormy grey eyes and he went by Kit. He had whisker marks, he was so cute." Ino squealed and Menma hummed a little while Sasuke only rolled his eyes.

"I'm shocked the lazy bastard even decided to lay up with somebody." Sasuke said as Menma chuckled.

"Well he is heir. He needs a child, I'm shocked he hasn't seen anybody else worth his time." Menma said as he felt Hinata lace her hands with his, he looked down and felt her heated gaze on his face and he nodded.

"What's even more rare is the fact that we've managed to get both Hinata and Menma out today. Usually they are locked in their home." Sakura said as she sat casually next to Sasuke, humming a little.

"Isn't that what newlyweds do? Stay home, laid up in one another's arms? Just because you and Sasuke skipped that phase doesn't mean others do." Hinata said and Menma chuckled.

"So what are we doing? Or can me and Hinata head home? We are trying for a child." Everybody rolled their eyes but told the duo nothing was planned for the day and so Hinata and Menma left, Menma who looked exactly like his father with red streaks in his hair waved to his best friend Sasuke and headed home, ignoring the rest of his class.

Hinata who was right next to him, walking next to him spoke.

"That sounds like Naruto." Hinata said remembering what Menma told her about Naruto.

"They sent Shikamaru after him. However I know my little brother isn't stupid. I know there must've been something that made him get caught."  Hinata knew it was true.

Meanwhile in the Nara household, both Naruto and Shikamaru slept as if nothing in the world was currently wrong.


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