Get Comfortable Princess, but Fifteen Years Later

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"You see what I'm saying? The Academy needs to change  too many inexperienced Genin are dying." Naruto said as he set his papers down in front of his brother. Sasuke who was talking with Sakura about an apprentice so that she could step down from her position soon and she can start traveling to make sure each village had a strong medical ninja.

"Your recommendation looks so well thought out." Menma said, Naruto always made sure that this village was in top position, he nodded as Menma and Sasuke looked over the paper,

"We should do it before the new term begins, it's nothing but an extra year but fourteen instead of thirteen would make a huge difference." Naruto said and Menma nodded, approving the document in his hand.

"So, had Sakura picked a apprentice?" Naruto asked, and Sasuke hummed.

"Yes, she actually thinks Wasabi Izuno would be perfect. Her chakra control is the best out of the Genin and she thinks she could combine medical ninjutsu with her clans ninjutsu." Naruto smiled and nodded.

The three brothers worked a little more, before the door to the room slammed open, and everybody knew who that was. Naruto grew a tick Mark and spoke.

"You fucking ungrateful brat! How many times have I told you to stop slamming doors in my house and in this tower!?" Naruto looked to his oldest child, he saw panic and fear cross those stormy eyes and saw him scratching the back of his raven hair.

"HuH? I can't hear you? Your father, your sister or one of your comrades better be dead or dying for you to use force like that!" Naruto said walking to his child, the child's uncles looked the other way and sent a prayer to their Chunin nephew.

"Huh Shikadai?" Naruto's oldest that looked like his father besides those stormy eyes Shikadai blinked as he saw nothing but fire in his mothers eyes. He calmed down and thought about it rationally like he typically does when it comes to his mother.

"I'm sorry mom, but father told me to fetch you because you promised him you wouldn't work to death with you being pregnant." Naruto blinked and he could feel Sasuke and Menma staring at him.

"More Children? And you didn't tell your brothers?" Naruto turned to Sasuke and Menma and smiled.

"Surprise though I really found out two days ago, I told Shikamaru yesterday and I was going to tell you today until this brat came in." Menma and Sasuke smiled and spoke.

"A boy or girl?" Naruto chuckled.

"Twins, one of each." Sasuke and Menma congratulated him and offered to throw the baby shower, Naruto agreed and headed home with his oldest. His son was fifteen, and his daughter was thirteen.

It would be a big gap between the siblings, but things would work out, at least he hoped.

"So Is your sister home from her mission?" Naruto asked and Shikadai nodded.

"Yeah, Mei came back this morning. She and dad slept their life away. She over used her Sharigan and had that snake bring her home." Naruto chuckled, Shikadai didn't like Mitsuki at all, however Mei adored the teen.

"Well she's home in one piece, you can't always be so protective of her." Shikadai snorted, that was his little sister. He'd also be protective of his younger twin siblings too.

"So, Gaara tells me that you've been spending quite a lot of time with his niece, Saya-Kun." Shikadai flushed as he and his mother headed to the kitchen, cooking as they would be having their grandparents over.

"Saya is troublesome. Wielding a fan, and calling me handsome all the while cursing my name." Shikadai said as his cheeks dusted, Naruto smiled.

"You both sound close, how'd you meet?" Shikamaru's yawned and sat at the table, putting his head down as he listened to his son and husband speak.

"I thought she was an enemy, we met surrounded by explosive tags I tried to capture with. Though she blew them away with her fan, only for me to escape them because of my Sharigan. It ended up us both trapped she caught me in wires and I got her with my shadow possession." Naruto snorted.

"Let me guess, you told her to get comfortable princess because you'll be there until somebody finds you?" Shikadai flushed and spoke.

"Yeah, and she hasn't left me alone since." Shikamaru sighed and spoke.

"Doesn't that ring a bell?" Shikamaru said looking at his husband who smiled.

"Like father like son." Naruto said and Shikamaru chuckled and Shikadai smiled.

"We should have Temari and her family over, I should write a letter." Naruto said and his daughter Mei came and tossed her body on her mother. She had black hair and stormy eyes, no hints of red and no features of a Nara besides that personality.

Both Shikadai and Mei had their Sharigan and their shadows.

"How was your mission with your boyfriend?" Mei blinked and scoffed, the audacity of her mother. Though she did like Mitsuki, she wasn't going to make a move yet.

"He's not my boyfriend. The mission was a success. Though being on a team with Tenma is annoying." Naruto hummed as Shikamaru chuckled.

"That's your cousin? Why do you dislike him?" Mei walked to her father and leaned into him.

"He's just stupid, and constantly has to be babysat." Shikamaru kissed his daughter on the forehead and she calmed down, the door opened and Mei ran to her grandmother.

"Hello Mei! You hardly visit me anymore." Shikadai looked out to see his grandmother on his mother's side and then his grandfather on his fathers side.

"Being a Genin is hard. Granny." She smiled and headed to kiss her youngest child on the forehead.

"Mother, how are you?" Kushina and Naruto started talking while Shikaku and his grandchildren talked with their father. Kushina washed her hands and helped plate the food for all of them to eat.

Naruto sat next to Shikamaru feeling his hand in his belly the entire time. He sighed as he watched his children and parents talk to the younger, as if there was no generation gap.

"You need to eat some more." Shikamaru said as he handed his food to Naruto, Naruto rolled his eyes and spoke.

"You just don't want to choke on your food. I have been asking nicely for the past sixteen years for you to choke," Naruto said and Shikamaru laughed.

"I'm sorry Princess, but I keep forgetting. Gomen." Shikamaru and Naruto chuckled, and Mei decided to speak up.

"Mom, Dad, how come you both laugh and joke like that?" Shikamaru and Naruto look to their children.

"Huh?" Shikamaru asked and Shikadai spoke.

"Mom is always telling you to choke on your dinner, or die in your sleep and you both just laugh it off, and cuddle with one another." Shikamaru and Naruto realized they never told their children how they became a couple and how they were before them.

"Okay them, how about me and your father tell you both how we met and how we ended up getting together?" Mei and Shikadai were interested and Shikamaru smiled.

"So, this is how I met your mother." Shikamaru started as he spoke to his children.


AGHHHHHHHH Okay, so I totally did not mean for it to end like that, but I couldn't resist, especially since Shikadai and Temari's daughter story is really similar.

I hope you all liked the book.


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