Mommy Dearest

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The door opened and the teen felt a little flicker of joy, something that was soon to be accompanied by malice, and malicious intent, only to morph into a dazzling smile behind a mask that nobody could see. He watched as the two people walked in confused yet behind those two that walked in, walked in the Hokage and the fifth Hokage. M

"Mommy dearest. I've missed you." The teen who shot out a little fox chakra to make Shikamaru release the hold on the Jutsu he had on long enough for the teen to look at the woman who doomed him to have this red hair, then made him carry the Kyuubi because she couldn't contain it pulled down his mask.

"Won't you tell these puppets that I'm your son that you tried to kill?" Both the woman and the fourth Hokage gasped. It was as if they were looking at their mistake. Shikamaru sat there stunned that Kit was able to break out of his shadow possession hold.

Everybody else in the room was afraid of saying something that wasn't called for but all the teen wanted to do was cause a lot of chaos.

"Funny how everybody is silent now."

"So mommy dearest, would you like to tell the story? Or should I?" Honestly the teen watched as the woman gulped, she clasped her hands together and closed her eyes. The teen watched as Minato looked anywhere but at him and Kushina had tears falling down her eyes.

"You even remind me of that smug bastard." Minato said and the teen hummed and then he listen as Minato placed a seal on the door so nobody could hear.

Apparently this was a lot of information.

"I was raped." Kushina said and the teen squinted his eyes.

"Were you raped? Or were you drunk?" The teen asked, and the woman looked at him. She was looking at her youngest child. If she did the math right he is sixteen now.

"I was drunk, annoyed with taking care of Menma and having Minato stuck in the office I went out to drink. Left Menma with Yoshino that night." She watched as her child sat in the chair with cuffs as if he had already known what went down that night.

"I drank too much and ended up going home with Fugaku." Eyes widened except for Minato's, he looked as if he was about to vomit however.

"Lying to Minato about my fidelity. I carried my second son to term, October tenth. He came out with stormy grey eyes, neither onyx or my violet colored eyes so I hoped that he wouldn't gain the Sharigan. However that changed when my pathways couldn't contain the nine tails anymore due to a second child birth." The teen had a smug smile on his face as everybody listened to the story.

"I sealed the demon into Kushina's second son. Then we took him home, had him meet Menma and we were a family until he turned two" Minato said and the teen hummed.

"What happened then mother?" He asked which made the woman sigh.

"You slept with Fugaku? Gross." Kakashi mumbled and Kushina ignored him and continued.

"My infidelity child unlocked his Sharigan at a mere two, and I've decided that I didn't want him. I tried to give him to the Uchiha's in secret in order to keep his lineage and my cheating a secret." Shikamaru looked to see the teen blinking in boredom.

"However Minato found out about two years later. When he was watching Menma and Naruto talk about training. He confronted me and I cried and cried and he took me back, and together we decided that child didn't belong to neither us, and he didn't belong with the Uchiha's. We thought on his sixth birthday we had managed to kill him."

The teen now identified as Naruto hummed a little, cutting off this talking and speaking for himself.

"On my sixth birthday I was cooked, sliced and tortured for hours. By people who were supposed to love and cherish me, by village leaders, and by a clan that didn't want a disgrace." Naruto was heard chuckling a little but as the room felt very warm for a second.

"You know Mommy dearest, you sound like you were the one that was outcasted for a mistake that they didn't commit. Your terrible plan has placed me in chains with this village thinking I would spend my pathetic life killing people I don't know and or care about." Naruto said and Shikamaru looked at the four of them to see their faces.

The room was hushed and Naruto spoke again.

"So since we know about my heritage, and like I said there is no evidence that shows that I killed and or stole any money from that discmgraceful clan, may I please be released?" Naruto said and Kakashi didn't believe him.

"I'll release you, on the condition that you become a ninja for the leaf, and you'll be watched by Shikamaru." Shikamaru who took a chance to look at Naruto's face, was a little shocked that that an enemy looked so cute.

Shikamaru rolled his eyes at that thought and Naruto spoke.

"I'd rather die. I don't need to be watched." Naruto said and Kakashi folded his arms.

"You seem to have a very strong distaste of mostly everything in this village. If I have somebody keeping an eye on you, the crime rate in this village will drop?" Naruto tilted his head.

"I doubt that. This village was built on the ground of peace but raised in the believe of hate. Placing a bodyguard on me will not stop your crime levels." Naruto's smiled as he broke the cuffs, yawning as he ran a hand though his hair.

"Spend all your energy on me and you'll realize the snake was somebody you never would've thought it to be. I suggest you all do your research. You'd all be stupid if you think that I was the one causing chaos." Naruto turned to Shikamaru and yawned.

"Well take me somewhere with a bed. I haven't slept in three days because of this asshole of a village." Shikamaru rolled his eyes but ushered the teen out. Naruto and Kurama chuckled mentally, while Shikamaru kept an eye on him.


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