A New Beginning

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There Naruto was standing in the middle of his older brothers, While Shikamaru and Shikaku led a village meeting. When the Hokage and the Fourth Hokage was found dead a lot of people moved to lock up the elders. They Elders didn't kill the duo but with the Fake evidence Sasuke left the councils decided to locked them up.

Shikaku and Shikamaru were asking the village for forgiveness for both of them overlooking the crimes that the village committed while they were advisors, as well as not doing anything to stop them and or get them help. Menma and Sasuke looked down at Naruto to see him drastically clutching Shikamaru's sweater.

"You okay Naruto? You are good to be free, why do you look so scared." Naruto wasn't scared, he was hot and cold all at once. Shivering as he leaned into Menma, Menma looked at Sasuke and Sasuke hummed

"Hey dobe, what's wrong?" Naruto closed his eyes and spoke.

"I'm freezing. Can't we tell Shikamaru to hurry up?" Sasuke and Menma chuckled, Sasuke ruffled his hair and Menma just patted Naruto's shoulder.

"I'm sorry, we'll take you home immediately after." Naruto nodded and kept his eyes closed.

"Since the elders are charged with other crimes, we believe our New Hokage should be Menma Namikaze." Menma looked shocked, everybody turned to look at him before Shikamaru spoke again.

"While his advisor should be both Sasuke Uchiha and Naruto Nara." Naruto's eyes opened, and looked at Shikamaru, Shikamaru gave him a wink and Shikaku spoke.

"That will be all, allow the three of them a few days to talk before the next meeting is called!"

The village was congratulating the trio. Naruto scoffed. He broke from the crowd and headed towards Shikamaru, Menma and Sasuke hot on his trail.

It had been a month since Naruto killed them, and honestly the village felt cleaner it felt safer. Shikaku and Shikamaru were hoping that with three brothers in office they could gain their allies.

Shikamaru and Shikaku were in the office they were cleaning everything out hoping to start with a clean slate since there was decades of discrimination in this office when the door slammed open.

"Ah Princess...." Shikamaru spoke but he was quickly on his back with Naruto hovering above him. Naruto laced his hands with his shirt before shaking Shikamaru.

"HOW DARE YOU! YOU STUPID NARA I HATE YOU." Naruto screamed at his arranged husband while Shikaku sighed, while Menma and Sasuke finally managed to make it.

"ILL FUCKING KILL YOU! WHERE IN THAT PEA SIZED BRAIN DID YOU BELIEVE THAT I WOULD BE FINE BEING AN ADVISOR!" Shikamaru blinked and smiled, yes he was being manhandled. Yes he was being cursed at, and yes Naruto looked like he was about to kill him.

However, in this moment he felt nothing but overwhelming love for his arranged husband, like this was meant to be his life.

Like he was meant to be manhandled by his husband everyday for the rest of his life.

"ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME!" Naruto said as he dropped Shikamaru against the floor, Shikamaru blinked and Naruto sat there before he sighed and fell against Shikamaru. Shikamaru smiled and wrapped his arms around Naruto and spoke calmly.

"Do you not want to be with your brothers? I thought for sure you would be happy because of Menma and Sasuke?" Shikamaru questioned, sitting up and giving his full attention to Naruto.

Naruto's eyes closed because Shikamaru's scent was really calming at the moment. He heard Shikamaru and every angry bone in Naruto's body disappeared when he started to smell Shikamaru.

"Don't pull that card." Naruto sharpened his nail and pressed it to Shikamaru's jugular.

"I'll kill you right now." Shikamaru chuckled and sighed.

"Sure, do you want to talk to your brothers or are you coming home?" Sasuke hummed.

"He should head home, he's been complaining of chills." Shikamaru hummed.

"So you come to my lap to get me sick." Shikamaru asked and Menma spoke.

"You walking on thin ice Nara. My brother is a killer." Naruto blinked, he didn't have energy to do anything.

"Naruto wouldn't kill me. We've just started dating." Naruto's eyes closed and he spoke.

"I hope you die in your sleep." Naruto said as got comfortable and Shikamaru chuckled.

"Get as comfortable as you want Princess." Shikamaru stood with Naruto wrapped around him. He looked to Menma and Sasuke.

"I'll bring him by when he's feeling better." Shikamaru was leaving and Menma and Sasuke blocked the door.

"You take care of him! He's finally having the happiness he deserves." Menma said, folding his arms and Sasuke spoke.

"He's our brother, and while we just been able to have a relationship. We love and cherish him." Shikamaru nodded and spoke.

"I will protect and cherish this princess until he actually decides to kill me." Shikamaru smiled.

"Even still I would still love him even if he did kill me." Shikamaru said and that was an acceptable answer for Menma and Sasuke. They let him leave and headed to the desk and talked with Shikaku.

They weren't worried in the slightest.

Shikamaru managed to lay Naruto down on the bed and change his clothes. He headed to sleep with Naruto and watched as Naruto immediately snuggled into him. Shikamaru sighed and ran a hand through his black hair, he did it in a petting motion and spoke calmly.

"Hey. Princess." Shikamaru waited for a response, and for a long time.

"What." Naruto answered about five minutes after Shikamaru spoke. Shikamaru hummed a little.

"I really like you, and I'm sorry I was an asshole to you." Naruto hummed.

"You only acted the way you did because you thought I was the enemy. Your way of thinking and actions were logical for the situation you were in." Naruto's blinked before closing his eyes.

"My urge to kill you is still strong, however my eyes urge to be under you and be in your space is stronger. Though I'm sure my urge to kill you is high because I'm a fox. My human side is wants you, but my fox side is still weary of you." Naruto said and Shikamaru sighed.

"You know I'm getting tired of using this brain of mines to calm you down. However I did do my research." Naruto was humming and Shikamaru smiled.

"Though you should rest first. I have to do a little more research but I think I know what's wrong with you." Shikamaru kissed Naruto on his forehead and Naruto sighed.

"Whatever." Naruto said but he headed back to sleep, with Shikamaru petting his hair.


Get Comfortable Princess Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora