"Harry were gonna be bloody late hurry on now,"

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        TRIGGER WARNING: Attempted suicide there might be a trigger for every chapter but not a warning so just a heads up  part Two of this book is out now read to see what happens next!

 ( i would love it if you guys would follow me for more! it would mean a lot and help me out *not help me get money but to help with my confidence in writing I've been writing for six years and I would love the support! enjoy)     

                    Harry was sleeping in late enjoying the dream he was having when he was dragged onto the floor. "ow..what the hell?....ron?" Harry said as he was now on the cold hard floor looking up at his friend. "Get out of the dam bed, mate," Ron said as he stepped to the side to reveal a pissed of Hermonie. "Harry were gonna be bloody late, hurry it up chop-chop" she yelled her face full of rage." shit" harry murmured only for him to earn a slap from Hermonie "what the hell did I say about cursing" Hermonie lectured. Harry rolled his eyes and popped off the floor swiftly and headed to his closet. "leave let me dress" he said looking back at his friends "just hurry the hell up" Ron said as they left out of Harry's room.

Harry slipped on his robes and tie and picked up his wand and glasses from his desk and walked out of his room. "ready guys" harry said and as soon as he was done with his sentence Hermonie was dragging him and Ron down the steps out the fat lady portrait and running down the halls to the dining hall. The golden trio soon busted into the dining hall only to see breakfast had just started. Harry was now the pissed one he could have stayed in bed. "WHAT THE BLOODY HELL 'MONIE" harry and Ron yelled in unison "what?" she asked tilting her head to the side "YOU JUST FUCKING DRAGGED ME HERE WHEN I COULD HAVE STAYED IN THE FUCKING BED" harry yelled into her face he never really gets sleep since he has insomnia for her to wake him up irked his nerves.

"Sorry harry I thought we were late" Hermonie apologized harry rolled his eyes "you always think we're late" he mumbled. when the trio looked up they saw Slytherin and raven claw all staring at them. The trio soon burst out laughing at seeing the looks on the people's faces. "Ok, ok let's go sit," Hermonie said and the trio began to take their seats at their table. Ron was stuffing his face Hermonie was reading a book and Harry was looking at everyone's faces scattered around the dining hall. "you have a looker" Hermonie said to harry as she nudged his side to Harry turned and saw Malfoy looking at him but not in a hateful way his eyes were so soft and harry had just realized how feminine Draco was. He soon turned back around "I don't know why he's looking at me" harry said shrugging his shoulders.

"Oh, how weird," Hermonie said continuing to her book. 'yes weird indeed' Harry thought as he shoved a piece of toast in his mouth. "ok, time to go," Hermonie said as everybody started to exit the dining hall. The trio all began to walk out and head to first-hour class which was DADA Harry's most hated class. DADA was taught by professor snape and he wasn't all that great at it, unlike the all-A+ student Malfoy. Harry sighed as they all took seats in class he sat next to Malfoy due to Snape's new seating arrangements he had placed a week ago. "Potter" Malfoy spat glaring at Harry "what do you want Malfoy," Harry asked not wanting to deal with his bullshit. Malfoy simply rolled his eyes and class began.

"Ok class so today we will be working on Amortentia, Amortentia is a love potion that does not create actual love, but gives the drinker a powerful obsession and infatuation with the giver of the potion. it is usually either forced upon someone or covertly given. As a rule of thumb the longer a love potion awaits consumption, the stronger the effect will be. The potions aroma is unique to each person who consumes it, as it smells like whatever attracts each individual.   So you will make your potions and will write a three-page essay about it and you will share with the class what your potion smells like." snape explained to the class. most people blushed, others looked disgusted, and more looked happy. Harry was still choosing which he should be since he was kinda weary about it. "Arent you happy harry," Hermonie said as she walked up to him "not sure" harry responded blushing. "What," she said in disbelief "well... it's just why do we have to tell the class what the potion smells like, I don't want to give half a Hogwarts a clue of who my bloody crush is 'monie," Harry said embarrassed. "Ok settle down class" snape voice boomed and he wrote down the ingredients to the potion on the board, and all the kids rushed to get their supplies. Harry sighed 'this is gonna be a bloody long class' he muttered to himself and went to gather the ingredients.

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