"Blaise...blaise...you are a monstre from enfer"

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                  Draco woke up in Harry's arms "wake up we're gonna be late" Draco said harry popped up resting his wait on his pulled-up forearms Draco weakly got out of the bed and put on a mini holographic skirt with a matching belly holographic shirt. Harry made sure to put on his silver outfit

 "come let's go" Draco opened his door and saw Blaise and pansy in front of it "let's go," pansy said "good morn-" Blaise was cut off by Draco shoving past him weakly but harshly. "whats wrong with him," pansy asked Blaise shrugged and the four walked down the hall "kitten slow down don't walk so fast" harry said and grabbed Draco by the arm

 "ah!" Draco hissed and pulled his arm away his teeth became pointy he looked like a cat ready to ponce. "dray calm down" pansy said as she rubbed his shoulder "yeah, um sorry I don't know what's wrong with me today" Draco said calming down he walked at the same pace as the others.

 "um...Blaise" Draco whispered shouted in his ear as he walked next to him "yes?" Blaise whispered back "give me your robe" Blaise nodded knowing why, Draco had tons of whip marks on his arms as well, but forgot his own robes wanting to cove them before harry saw "thanks" harry was a little pissed but he didn't speak.

"bye Harry," Draco said quickly and pecked his cheek as he went to his house table harry waved and the four parted. "so, what's wrong with your arm?" pansy said she thought she had a good idea of it. "nothing," Draco said as he thought of what Blaise did pansy thought for a moment she gasped once she pieced it all together. when she saw Draco leaving she had bumped into Blaise not long before, Blaise also knew where Draco was even when harry seemed oblivious to it.

 "Blaise keep your hands off him" pansy warned they weren't surprised she figured it out, pansy knew a lot of things simply cause she just did.

 "k," he said unphased at her threat "dont tell anyone please"draco said "i wont" pansy said, even if she wanted it wasn't her place. Draco sighed and pushed away his plate of food he didnt want to eat. "ugh..shit guys there bleeding" draco whisperd to blaise and pansy the weps from the wip was inded torn opening certain areas.

 "shit, come on," blaise said draco, and pasy stood up "it's a lot," draco said shakily, tears forming from the stinging and the fear "SHIT" pansy screamed pansy took the robe off draco, seeing as she saw how it was being bled through, reavaling his bleeding thighs and arms everyone looked at draco worried. "lets take him to the infirmary," blaise said the two walked draco to the infirmary. 

Draco began to sob in front of the whole dining room "FUCK IT HURTS GUYS" "shh" Blaise said "it's your bloody fault" Draco spat pansy and Blaise rushed Draco to the infirmary. "what happened?" Madam Pomfrey said worriedly as she cleaned the weps they stopped bleeding.

"Thanks," Draco said when she healed his weps back up. "no problem by hun" pansy Blaise and draco ran out and back into the dining room harry rushed over "kitten are you ok" harry said and hugged Draco "yeah I'm fine," Draco said, "what happened?" "um...my..my CUTS yeah my cuts began to bleed," Draco said knowing dam well his cuts had healed Harry kissed him and walked away

 "whew," pansy said and the three sat down. Five minutes later kids were rushing through the halls to get to DADA  "SIT" Snape said as his class poured into the room everyone nodded and sat, Draco took his seat next to harry. "Now flip to page 3" everyone nodded and pulled out their textbook and went to page three "Malfoy start us off," snape said Draco stood and began to read.

 "After many years of searching she finally found the right potion when she met the right guy, his name was Charles Potter he had a wife  Lesly Praksion, the couple helped and sheltered ivy she was 22 years old at the time. They helped her in the magic of dark arts and helped her on her quest to find the right potion, after years of tiredly searching ivy made the potion but something was missing Charles and Lesly tried to help but when they did...she went mad and killed them she realized the blood of the most loved would do the trick"

"The potion was carried down in the Malfoy, Praksion, Potter, and Zabani family for centries till it made it to the world" Draco then sat down earing confused looks. "Malfoy that's not what the textbook said," snape said "but it's the truth about what happened," Draco said as he crossed his legs "hmp, I want everyone to write a 20-page essay on this," Snape said then the bell rang.

 "come on dray," Blaise said with a wink only to get slapped on the head by pansy as they walked through the halls. "what!" Blaise exclaimed pansy rolled her eyes. "I have a boyfriend, I don't like you, and you've been rapeing me since the second year no matter how many chances give you to start over, just leave me ALONE," Draco said and stomped away crying.

 he made his way to the Gryffindor common room he didn't care how much of a mess he was his face was red he was sobbing his hair was frizzing. Draco busted into the Gryffindor common room only harry hermonie and ron were there "hey kit-" Harry was cut off when he saw Draco "kitten what happened" Harry said.

Draco ran up to harry on the couch and sat in his lap and just cried into his shoulder. hermonie and ron looked at Draco worried as did harry as he rubbed circles into his back 5 minutes later Draco pulled away from his shoulder and wiped away tears steadying his breathing. "do you wanna talk about it, you don't have to kitten" harry said Draco shook his head and kissed Harry's cheek and pulled away with a smile. 

"I'm fine now like you said you're the shoulder I can cry on," Draco said his smile was fake but it was so bright harry pecked his lips and hugged him as Draco sat in his lap. hermonie and ron left out to give the two some space "look kitten, in the dining room I know your cuts aren't what bled...cause they healed so what other bruises do you have? please tell me" harry begged "and why are you still wearing Blaise's robe" harry said

 "...i... harry look it... its complicated" Draco said he would tell harry if he could but his parents and Blaise parents swore to protect Blaise for any actions he did so it was hopeless. "potter...I'm fine someone probably hexed me nothing serious" Draco said putting on another smile that was as fake as can be. Harry sighed and kissed Draco "I love you and only you harry," Draco said as he looked up at the taller male

 "I love you too kitten," Harry said and kissed Draco's forehead. "WE need to get to class," Draco said standing up only for harry to pull him back into his lap "no~were skipping I wanna spend some time together," Harry said Draco smiled a real one that was as sweet as candy. the two cuddled Draco wanted to tell harry, even if blaise wouldn't be punished he just wanted to get it off his chest an dmind, open up to someone

 'come on JUST DO IT DAMMIT' he told himself only for words to blurt out his mouth "baby, it was Blaise, see I didn't tell you but Blaise has been raping me since second year and recently he got into BDSM so I was bleeding because he whipped me" Draco quickly slapped his hand over his mouth as his eye grew wide 

"he...he what" Draco lowered his hand as his eyes softened "its the truth harry and I'm sorry-" Draco got cut off by harry kissing him "you did nothing wrong I'm reporting this to Dumblethord" harry said and picked Draco up Draco wrapped his legs around Harry's waist. "...don't it won't help." Draco said "shhh yes it will all you do is ask for help babe," harry said Draco nodded and rested his head on Harry's shoulder as he walked into Dumblethord's office.

"Yes, Mr. Malfoy, Mr. Potter," dumblethord said "I need to report something, Blaise Zabani has been raping and violating Draco since bloody second year and that shit stops now" Harry spat. Dumbledore looked at Draco "is this true" "yes sir" dumblethord nodded "EXPELIOMOS" he yelled and Blaise was in the room. "oh hello sir and Draco and pottah" he said "I have been informed you have raped Draco Malfoy more than he and I can count you are expelled and I will inform your parents to take it to court" "wait what-" "PELLOFUMIOUS" dumblethord yelled and Blaise had suitcases in his hand 

"bye" dumblethord said and he sent Blaise to hishome, his phoinex getting ready to deliver a not explaining the situation. "see kitten easy" Harry said as he left the office and went to his room. "thank you, daddy" Draco said as the two laid on the bed "I don't wanna leave this bed lets stay in" Draco said harry nodded school was almost over so the boys went to sleep.

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