Malfoys Hurt Two

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  WARNING: rape, abuse, homelessness  

         It was now ' double classes Wednesday' at least that is what the students called it since every Wednesday one of the classes was done twice a day and this Wednesday it was potions.  "Harry, time for school pleas let's not run late today," Hermonie said Harry woke up in an instant "of course not," he said slipping into his school robes and walking out the door with his friends "Ron is already at breakfast," she said as they made their way to the dining hall doors opening them and walking to their table and taking their seat. Harry looked around and noticed Draco was nowhere to be seen "weird" he muttered "Hmm?" Hermonie hummed in curiosity "no, it's just Draco he's not here" harry said to Hermonie "oh he isn't, isn't he," she said seeing he was the only Slytherin absent. After breakfast Harry and Hermonie made their way to potions which they would be sharing with Slytherin, actually, that's how it is every Wednesday in Hogwarts.

Every Wednesday Gryffindor and Slytherin share all of their classes and they also have a double session of a certain class.  Raven claw and Hufflepuff share their classes. Today Slytherin and Gryffindor had double potions and shared all their classes today. But Ron wasn't with the two of them because every 'double class Wednesday' he goes to the muggle world and helps his ill mom.

 Harry sat in his seat that was empty he sighed as he saw Draco wasn't in potions either. "Class is in session I expect everyone to have their essay on Amortentia, and I expect everybody to be prepared for the next potion we will learn about since it will be the new main potion of this new subject so it will be our main focus." snape explained to clas as he walked back and forth his hands behind his back. 

"Now the potion we will be working on this subject is Draught of Living Death," he said bluntly, kids gasped in horror and fear and some trembled at the thought of it harry wasn't scared he just didn't wanna learn about a potion that basically gives people a fate worse than death. Hermonie was happier than ever to learn about all of its fascinating details. "When a person drinks the Draught of Living Death, they go into a deep sleep so strong that they appear to be dead, hence the name. It is made from the powdered root of asphodel which is added to an infusion of wormwood, This potion is described as changing in color during the process of being made. It has a texture and consistency akin to that of clear water. To examine the potion's potency, a fresh leaf is dropped into the completed mixture – the leaf shrivels to ash if it has been brewed correctly." snape explained to the class in the most serious way.

"Now, we will not automatically prepare this potion, we will study it past our limits and break down its history to where it all began." snape said letting the class know not to rush. Pansy raised her hand "yes ms. Praksion?" snape said "so do you mean... we will start at the beginning? like when the potion was first thought of and how it came to be ya'know like all the recipes that failed and the one that finally succeeded? or will we just start where it first being used" pansy asked wanting to know what every student was thinking 'how far in history are we gonna go'.

 "Yes, we will begin to where the journey and idea of this spell came from, we also learn its journey in being created perfectly, and how the way for it to be tested came to be," Snape answered. "Now, pull out your textbook labeled 'the journey of the draught of living death' and go to page one," he ordered every student complied and snape began to call on students to read.

"Potter," snape called on the boy he stood and began to read. "A forgotten woman named Ivy Lucius Malfoy was sixteen at the time her parents were cruel, she wanted a way to put them to rest be rid of them, but she didn't want to kill her family, she couldn't imagine killing the ones she grew up with and the ones who raised her even though they were vial. So she thought of something she would make her own potion, a potion that would put you in a sleep so deep you would never wake up. She got the idea from the century-year-old fairy tale of sleeping beauty except hers had a twist there was no waking the person up."

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