"Your here to, well what did you do again"

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                           TRIGGER: cutting 

Harry was sitting in detention with professor Filius When the door opened Harry turned around to see a pissed-off Draco. "You're here too, well what did you do again?" he asked Draco "bloody fucking Mcgongal," back in 5th or 4th year when McGonagall first made her appearances Draco basically worked for her until he decide she was a dirty bitch.

 "-and her bloody fucking accusations, with her bloody fucking stupidity and-" Draco was cut off from his rant by Harry hugging him. Dracos eyes widen at the action, Harry let go and spoke "nice to see you as well kitten" and took Draco's hand and made him sit down next to him. while the professor just did his paperwork.  "What did you call me?" Draco asked blushing Harry sighed "I called you 'kitten' because you remind me of one," he said as he ran his hand quickly through Draco's hair. Draco loved the pet name and Harry's touch but would never admit. 'he's kinda sexy...like really hot he looks like he could literally ruin my insides- WAIT WHAT why am I thinking about Potter like that my newly found best friend do I..do I like him' Draco gasped at his own though and averted his eyes off Harry and his goddam handsome face.

Harry noticed Draco staring at him and blushing. Suddenly Draco looked away gasping leaving Harry confused. "You two may go now," the professor said and as soon as he did the boys shot up out of their chairs and walked out of the classroom. "So what do you think your gonna be when you get your creature inheritance," Draco asked Harry as they wandered the halls "a dom wolf or a dom angel," Harry said with a smile ", how about you?" harry asked wondering what Draco thinks he's gonna be. "I think ill be...a submissive bunny or a submissive Neko" Draco said blushing as he began his staring contest with the floor. "Awww a submissive, I never thought you would admit it" Harry teased Draco as he poked his cheek. "Oh, shut up, and shouldn't you be with granger, she will be fairly pissed if you miss your private studies with her on DADA" Draco pointed out to Harry.

"Dam I surely do, well se'ya kitten," Harry said before dashing off down the hall to the library where Hermonie awaited. Draco chuckled at Harry's foolishness and made his way to his common room. Harry rushed into the library and saw Hermonie lecturing Ron. Hermonie moved her attention to harry "- and you are late" she snapped "sorry I was-" Hermonie cut Harry off "sit" she said pointing to the chair next to Ron. "yes mom" Harry joked and took a seat whilst Hermonie carried on talking about the next potion they would learn in DADA which was Draught of living death. And she also babbled on about the essay they need to do on Amortentia.  "Now pull out five pieces of parchment," she said, "but it's a three-page essay 'monie," harry said confused "yes, yes it is but if we do more we get extra credit and that means an A or even an A+" she sated. 

The boys rolled their eyes and the trio pulled out five pieces of parchment. They sat in the library for an hour writing their essay and being prepared for the next potion in DADA by gathering bits of info on it. "Done" the trio called out at the same and chuckled. "Good now let's go," Ron said. school was now over they only had one to two classes today since all Mondays were cut short. The golden trio made their way down to their dormitory's and said farewell to each other and got some rest since it was dark outside.  Harry stayed up in his room thinking of Draco he hated that he had fallen so deeply in love with the one person he was supposed to hate. Harry took his pills and went to bed dreaming of Draco, which always gave him a good night's rest.


"shh kitten, you don't want them to hear you do you?" harry asked Draco as he sucked on his pale skin. Draco shook his head no and harry began sucking Draco's soft spot again "ahhh~ daddy" Draco whined wanting more and all of harry. Harry put himself at Draco's entrance and entered him thrusting with no warning. Pounding into the little thing recklessly "AHHHH DADDY~FUCK~~" Draco yelled as he rolled his eyes to the back of his sticking his tongue out that had thick strings of cum on it due to the blow job he gave harry. This went on for eight bloody hours harry recklessly fucking Draco and putting hickeys on him claiming him that was until it was interrupted.

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