"Did we interrupt?"

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  WARNING: slitting/cutting/suicide attempt? 

                             Draco opened his eyes and yawned he sat up only to be stopped by something holding him by his waist. Draco looked down to see harry spooning him, he blushed remembering the embarrassing events of last night 'why would I ask potter to cuddle me, he must have been shocked or even worst disgusted' Draco thought to himself "good morning" harry said Draco looked back down and saw Harry was awake. "good morning" Draco said harry was getting up when Draco stopped him, all he could think was he was gonna regret what he was about to say.

 "um...before you get up can we...cuddle longer," he asked as red as a tomato harry nodded and cuddled Draco again. Draco got out his phone and him and harry cuddled and watched anime on it. After 40 minutes somebody barged into the room "boys wake up we wanted to take you guys to the-" it was Sirius and Remus, Remus was ranting when he was cut off by the sight of the boys cuddling.

 "Are we interrupting?" Sirius asked as he gestured between the two boys. The boys had confused looks when they saw they were still cuddling Draco blushed and hopped out of bed and cleared his throat "what did you need?" harry asked as he stood out of bed as well "were taking you two to the mall" Sirius said "oh...k well ill put on some clothes" Draco said blushing since he was only still in a crop top and fishnets along with knee-high socks the adult nodded and left the room.

 "Sorry for them" harry apologized for both of his father's foolish behavior, "it's fine," Draco said he walked over to his suitcase opened it pulled out a skin-tight rainbow spaghetti strap belly shirt and a pair of really light washed super ripped jeans with a pair of vans and blue fishnets. Draco went into the bathroom and changed and came out nice he was dressed "done" Draco said he stopped in his tracks once he saw harry without a shirt on and he only had on boxers.

 Draco stared in awe obviously turned on you could see it in the somewhat trance lewd face he had "oh, sorry" Harry said it took everything in harry not to kiss Draco and make out with him. Draco snapped out of his trance "um...it fine sorry for staring" Draco said blushing his pale cheeks now red as blood. Harry quickly threw on a black shirt and black ripped jeans and added a bandanna picked up his wand and phone and he and Draco exited the room 

"Are you two ready?" Remus asked, the boys nodded and they all left out and got in the car. The drive was silent and awkward so far so Draco got tired and put his head on Harry's lap resting it right on his dick unknowingly. Harry's eyes widened but he remained calm its not like his dads could see him there was a long black window that separates the front and back seat it was also soundproof it was installed in the car a year ago. 

Draco began to move his head "ngh" Harry let out a small quiet grunt he had a boner Draco noticed and acted like nothing was wrong and kept trying to get comfterble Draco wanted to ask if he could help harry with his boner but was too shy then the window rolled down

 "so you two know next week um...you'll start to inherit traits that will be for your creature inheritance, meaning you will start to get the perks of your creature inheritance just not the real thing," Remus said to the boys gave a nod and Remus rolled the window back up. Harry's erection had only grown Draco didn't know what came over him he sat up and sat on Harry's lap facing him "kitten what are you doing" harry asked and Draco kissed harry deeply harry bit Draco's bottom lip for entrance which Draco parted his lips and harry snuck his tongue in exploring the cravens of Draco's mouth. 

Harry grabbed Draco's ass harshly making Draco gasp Draco ran his hands through Harry's hair harry slid up Draco's crop top just enough to lick and nip and bite and tease Draco's nipples "ahh~ daddy~" Draco moaned softly as he softly grinded on harry "mmm~kitten"  Draco grinded on harry a bit more harshly than before as harry made his nipples bleed Draco nibbled on Harry's ear "daddy your boner feel so big mmm~ I would love for it to be in me" Draco moaned into his ear as he sped his grinding up to an animalistic pace "MMHG~" Harry let out a loud grunt, harry then cummed in his pants and Draco hadn't gotten a boner so he was fine but he still got off of Harry's lap and passed out on the seat harry smirked and passed out as well. 

But that never happened, well not how harry imagined it, Draco really did climb on him and kiss him but Draco wasn't touched by harry at all other than his hips.  And he did ni on Draco's nipples just not with his shirt down lie harry would of wanted

The boys had finally made it to the mall by now the cum in Harry's pants had dried up so much you couldn't even see or smell it but the bite marks on Draco's nipples hadn't. when both boys woke they both assumed it was a dream since there was no real evidence around that it actually happened. "we're here" Remus said and the boys went into the mall The boys ran into the mall and went looking around "I have to go to the restroom" Draco said and went when he got to the bathroom his nipples rubbed his shirt and they hurt so bad.

 "gah, what the fuck" he muttered he went into one of the stalls and rose his shirt up just enough to look at his nipples and saw deep red bite marks he was shocked and confused till he remembered his so-called dream. "Holy shit, I actually called potter 'daddy' and we...oh my god...well thank god we didn't fuck" Draco muttered he slid his shirt back down and left the bathroom and cathed up with harry. While they were there Draco got some skirts, tutus and more fishnets, harry got some plane shirts and jeans and a pair of shoes. 

The drive home awkward so far 'i don't want to remember what I and potter did...but I don't want him to think it was a dream- WAIT WHAT ugh ill just eraser are memories tonight' Draco thought soon the car parked and the boys got there bags and went to Harry's room. "Bloody hell it's half past midnight what took us so long" Draco exclaimed and flopped on the bed "the drive I guess," Harry said sleepily "aww, you sound tired get some sleep," Draco said Harry nodded.

 Harry and Draco got dressed in their nightclothes from the night before, Harry was fast asleep Draco got his wand and sighed he then performed a spell making both boys forget what happened in the car. Draco let out a shaky breath he wanted to date harry he truly did but his father and pansy would freak, he knows pansy just wants him to be safe but "I really love him" Draco muttered. 

He felt his cheeks get wet he went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror his cheeks were red and soaked by his own tears he started to sniffle "dammit I wish the spell would work faster" he whispered his voice shaky. He did a spell to make his blade summon in his hand once it was summoned he didn't leave any time to waste and began to slit his wrist over, and over, and over, all the way up to his shoulder he waited in the bathroom till the blood stopped and cleaned it up he then went back into the room and put on a cloth jacket to cover up the scars then went to bed. 'i'm happy tomorrow I won't remember this' he thought and went to sleep.

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