Do what you want ( Request )

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'Anyway, I was wondering if you could write me a Bucky Barnes x reader imagine where Bucky and Reader were once together at the HYDRA Siberian base, and years later, the Avengers are all fighting a band of villains and they are losing the fight, when out of nowhere you jump in to help them, fight side by side with them. And then one of the villains are about to take you out, they have a gun to your temple, and all but someone ends up shooting him, and then reader smiles, says something in Russian and says something like - meet your super soldier son Soldat, and then Reader and Bucky's son who is ten now almost jumps from a building, takes his mom with him and fights the remaining villains.. in the end.. Bucky just watches them leave, and he is awestruck like wtf just happened to him.'



You were thrown into a cell, the man looked at something or someone else, "Ты награда ... припаять Делай с ней что хочешь." You're reward... solder do what you want with her.

"I-I don't know what you said," your voice shook, the man looked down at you with an evil smile.

"I know." he left you on the cold floor and slammed the cell door shut, but you still felt eyes on you.

You stood up when you turned around you were met with blue eyes, his hands automatically went to trace your body up and down.

"Whoa, whoa dude, hold on that's not how we do this in America." You slightly pushed him away.

"You would be a good fighter," he tells you, he continued to walk around you like a vulture and it's prey.

"Well, I'm a boxer, and can you stop please. I've had a weird week. There was a weird space lady and then I got kidnapped for no reason."

"There's a reason."

"Then what is it because I have heard why all I've heard is that I'm a good fighter plus that guy talking gibberish." you put your hands on your hips.

"He wasn't speaking gibberish, it's Russian, he said that you're my reward and I can do what I want with you... and what I want to do with you is...make you a fighter, we're gonna start training."

New York-2014-before DC

The guards woke you up from cryo, you heard them say stuff "Why would the solbat choose just to train her, if I were him I would have banged her."

"He's like 90 years old maybe he can't get it up so he just did the closest thing to sex." the other one said both of them were cackling.

You were put in a room that looked like a medical room, soon after the door opened again, you looked up, "Hey soldier." you quipped smirking.

He hugged you, kissing your forehead "I've missed you."

"Really case' it feels like four minutes maybe less since I last saw you."

"Believe me it hasn't been." he kissed you which soon escalated.

New York-2014- three weeks later

"Guess who left you," A guard tinted you, which you had enough of.

"Guess who you don't have control of ass hole," you stole his gun from his hand and shot him, you opened the door and walked through the base shooting any guards you saw.

Hydra Base-2024

Sam, Bucky, got hold of information that a Hydra base was in the works again so they decided to ask Wanda if she and Speed and Wiccan would come help them, which she said they could.

"Okay, Barnes and Speed you two will go through the entrance Wiccan Wanda the side entrance, I'll keep my eyes in the sky and I'll meet you four inside.


You got word of a Hydra base working again, and you figured that you would go, and take it down.

"Tim!" you smiled at your ten-year-old son.

"Ya, mom?"

"You wanna do something?"

"Uh-hu." come on.

You had trained your son in a similar way the soldier did with you, but he was better than you, you packed two bags for both of you, and you grabbed your passports, and drove to the airport, and got a ticket for the first flight to Germany.

You landed and automatically went to the base, "You know what to do right?" you looked down at your son.

"Ya," He nodded, alright, you pulled a gun out of a hidden pocket in the luggage, you shot the two guards who were guarding a back entrance door.

"Guys two people are coming through the back entrance," Sam told the group through the comes.

Tim helped you take down a group of Hydra agents, red mist consumed the next group of agents, You pulled your son into a doorway to keep him protected.

"Mom You and I both know I can take them on." "Red mist?" you asked, "I trained you to take down physical threats." You walked him through the room.

You got to the other side, "Tim stay in there while I scope." you held out your gun, a gust of wind flew past you but you thought nothing of it, you stopped when you saw the glint of a shining metal arm you stopped.

"Solder?" You whispered.

His tense form faltered, "Y/n?"

"They said you left me, where the hell have you been," another gust of wind but this time there was a kid that appeared by him with Tim "Let him go you warned."

"The kid is important to you? Why?" Bucky asked.

"Let him go first," you told him.

"Speed Let him go." the blond almost white hair kid let go of your son, who ran to you, "Explain."

Another group of agents came from behind you, Tim took the gun from your hand and fought them off, and shooting them, "Meet your son, Tim come on." you led your son away leaving the base, and Bucky dumbfounded.


A/n: Thank you for reading please vote and feedback is always appreciated.

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