What happened to Eddie?

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"I'm sorry, maybe that should've been my starting line?"

"Fuck yes. The hell you want?"

"Take a seat, shall we?"

"No, I'm staying right here. Go on," you say.
What would he want from you anyways?

"My name is Raven Drake, son of Carlton Drake. I just wanted to come by and see you, because of my fathers' disappearance.
"I've been looking for why he would disappear... I was only 7 when that happened." He looked away.

"Look, kid, I'm not here for your stories and I'm no good at emotional help. There's a hospital-"

"Shut up, will you?" And you did so. What the hell is up with this dude? "What I'm saying is, your parasite's successor was the reason of my dad fucking dying because or some 'misunderstandings' and I'm going to come back with Riot so get rid of that damned parasite. Or else," he leaned in, his hot breath raising you neck hair, "you'll find yourself having a slow, and quite painful death. One month. And I might have some more with me to join the fun."

"More what?" you said.

"You're smart, y/n," he said, "I'm sure you can figure it out by yourself."
He then slipped something in your hand and walked away. You pull it up, and notice it's his business card.

~time skippos~
(OK!!! So this trip is now over, and you're back at just a regular school routine.)

You sprawled your body on your bed. Remember that kid we bumped into two weeks ago? You asked venom.
You went quiet, why?
You realize he was not joking right? He has another parasite in him, and he's somehow got a few more with him.
What should we do about it though? Fight? Or run away? Or are you gonna leave me?
That guy, Eddie, what happened to him?
That's quite the loaded question, miss.
But I should know, right?

"Venom, my guy, what are ya feeling today?" Eddie was standing in front of the convenience store, with the parasite by his ear, slightly visible but not obvious due to the hoodie.

"Meat, raw meat."
Eddie chuckled and replied, "You never change, huh?"

The two entered the store, and headed straight for the freezer.

Many things happened at once. The fire alarm went off, the shelf collapsing, and hands pulling Eddie's arms behind and the soon the and his face being pressed onto the cold marble floor.

There were heavily weaponized men standing around Eddie, plus two holding him down.

"FBI. Don't try to get away, we have over 10 guns pointing for your head."

Eddie did what they asked. Can you help me out on this one? Eddie thought violently to the parasite.

The message didn't go through though, to venom. With all the buzzing of lasers and the fire alarm, the high pitched sounds were too much, and he needed to get away. Quickly.

Neither did the two want to depart. Venom went for the vents by the freezer, and Eddie let a blood-curdling scream. He had reached out for venom, and tried to break free.

Last time Venom had seen Eddie, he was surrounded by a puddle in his own blood with several bullet wounds, dead.

Wait, so Eddie committed scuicide after you left him?

No response.

You checked the time, not realizing how long you've been there, and fell asleep.

Didnt mean to break yall hearts like this, pls forgive me.
Anywhoooooooooo, Pls vote bc I'm lonely and have a good day be safe, wear a mask and don't hog all the tp

Sugar signing out!

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