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Manaka POV:

After talking a bit with Haida,I left his place and went back to the old park chair I was sitting on previously, before I went to Haida's apartment.

 As soon as I got home, I shut the door closed.

-Next Day-

I went out the door and walked along the crowded streets. 

I looked around and spotted Axel's house. I smiled and went over.

 I opened the unlocked door. Inui wasn't there and I couldn't spot Axel anywhere.

 I went upstairs, which I never actually went up to, and found a door opened a crack with noise coming from it.

  I opened the door some more and saw Axel on the phone.

 "Hm," I said and backed away until I heard something odd. 

"Yes, Boss, I know. Eliminate our enemies. Yes, please. Yes. But-" He was cut off by an angry voice, but I couldn't hear it exactly.

 "Odd," I said, leaning closer to the crack in the door to investigate what was happening between this strange phone call.

 "Boss, I know, anything but that. Please," Axel said.

 I raised an eyebrow. Anything but what? I listened some more. "Okay, okay. Bye," Axel said.

 I heard him swear a bit, and then heard him topple onto something. 

I heard heavy footsteps and rushed down the stairs to the front door. 

I left it as it was when I first came and then rushed back to my own house. I sighed as I opened the door and sit down on a couch.

Haida POV:

As soon as Manaka had gone, I ate supper and slept almost right after. I shook my head and went to sleep soundly.

-Next Day-

I woke up early, something I never really tended to do, and walked down the street to a small cafe with ringing bells on the door.

 As soon as I sat down, a waitress came up to me. I was too busy to look up at her.

 "Coffee, please," I grumbled and took out my phone. "Haida, look up," the waitress said, and sounded familiar.

 I looked up. Inui. "Oh- em, hi, Inui," I said, fidgeting. "Hi, Haida," she said cheerfully. 

"So, what kind of coffee do you want?" she asked me. "Uhm, just a latte?" I asked nervously.

 She nodded and returned to a small door near the back of the cafe.

 I took out my pocketed phone and looked on a site until Inui came back with my drink.

 I tasted the bitter coffee and drank some more before I looked at the time.

 I hurried to my work place and sighed as soon as I got to my desk.

 What a long day this is going to be.

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