Chapter 3: The Negotiator

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   The memories of being a young Padawan flooded Anakin's brain as he and Obi-Wan walked in silence to the Nubian cruiser's cockpit. He theorized what his former master might say or what deserving punishment he would endure. Skywalker could practically hear the ordeal that was about to play out.

   I have failed you. You are lost!

   I'm sorry, Master.

You are a danger to everyone you care for.

I understand, Master.

You don't deserve mercy.

Anakin doubted Obi-Wan would kill him outright; the Negotiator would never murder anyone in cold blood. Moreover, it was against the Jedi Code to kill the unarmed. However, Anakin had broken the Code many times. His most recent act was unforgivable.

Skywalker was beyond puzzled when Master Kenobi took a seat in the pilot's chair and began preparing for takeoff. Obi-Wan sensed the confusion within his former Padawan, and asked, "Did you not have enough of this planet? You of all people should want to leave this hellscape."

"It's not that, Master," Anakin responded, "but what about Artoo and my fighter?"

Turning back to the controls, the Negotiator explained, "Artoo arrived at the ship soon after we left. He parked himself in one of the storage closets and has refused to come out since." Sighing he added, "As for your star-fighter, we can send someone to pick it up later."

"A storage closet?" Anakin fumed, "I have to speak with him! Artoo's probably angry because I told him to stay with the ship!" Anakin stood up abruptly and hastened to the door, forgetting why he was with Obi-Wan on the ship in the first place.

In all his years as the Jedi Master to the young Skywalker, Obi-Wan never fathomed what went on deep inside his brain. Here was a person who, just one standard hour ago, almost killed his wife and best friend, now asking about the well-being of his navigation droid. "I'm sure R2-D2 will be fine if you wait until after our conversation. Sit down please." Obi-Wan motioned to the co-pilot's seat and sighed. This is not going to be pleasant.

Anakin wouldn't have volunteered to pilot the trip to Polis Massa but was slightly miffed that he wasn't given the chance to decline. Taking a seat, Skywalker began his speech before the elder Jedi could say anything, "Before you begin, Master, I want you to know that I understand that what I did was wrong and unforgivable and-"

"Wrong? I'm sure that's already been established," Obi-Wan interrupted. Of course, Kenobi kept his sass. "But that's not what I was going to ask, Anakin. Or is it Vader now? I cant tell anymore. Just be patient." He paused for a moment to gaze out over the familiar scene of hyperspace and then turned away from the controls. "Why didn't you tell me?" he said almost to himself, "I could've helped you. None of this..." Obi-Wan's voice trailed off.

Anakin hung his head in shame. He tried to think of an adequate response Because I didn't trust that you would keep my secret? Because I didn't want to get expelled from the order? None of the answers sounded right. Skywalker couldn't put what he truly wanted to say into words. There was so much more that he wanted to say, but couldn't formulate the words to articulate them clearly.

"I'm sorry," was all he choked out.

"I don't need to hear another 'sorry,' Anakin! Words can't heal your scar on the galaxy! A 'sorry' won't bring all the fallen Jedi back!" Obi-Wan was practically shouting, his Coruscanti accent was thick and his voice was raw with emotion, "You trusted Chancellor Palpatine over me! You are my brother, Anakin, I love you!" For the first time since the death of Duchess Satine, the Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi cried. Tears of pain spilled down his cheeks and collected in his beard. A rogue tear splattered onto his robes. All-day, Obi-Wan had tried to keep a brave face for the sake of everyone around him, but the weight of the galaxy was too pressing and wore away his façade of serenity.

Anakin looked down at his black leather tunic. He felt responsible. By Force, he was responsible! He was responsible for his former Master's state, responsible for all the pain and suffering, spreading through the galaxy like a plague, responsible for the fact they couldn't go to Coruscant to get Padmé the medical attention she desperately needed. Anakin wanted to reach out towards Kenobi to support him in any way possible, but Anakin realized he has caused more harm than good.

"We are going to Polis Massa so the Medical-Droids could make sure she is alright. I'll contact Master Yoda to meet us there. Then we will decide what to do next." Anakin heard a shaky voice say as he stood up and pulled his hood over his head, covering his face as he left the small cockpit. I need to get out of here, he thought, remembering the sight of Obi-Wan's body being racked with sobs and Padmé's almost lifeless form.

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