Chapter Fifteen - Aggravation and Support That Should Have Been There

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It was Monday again at last, and I really hadn't missed school at all.

I ignored the empty hollow feeling inside my chest that had appeared after I'd stopped talking to Sally. She hadn't showed up a single time.

I suppressed the tears that threatened to spill over.

I was walking through a snow covere d and scape, imagining Sally in the snowy landscape.

Imagining her, not unlike I usually did, but it was not the same thing to consciously imagine something and just... imagining it from the unreachable part in the back of your mind.

That uncontrollable part that let your thoughts drift against your will, and even though you could cover the thoughts up with other, controlled ones, that stream of contiousness would always be present, no matter what.

And as we sat in class, I tried to tell him I'd finished the project, but he wouldn't listen, so I just turned it in without his name on it.

I was pretty sure that doing this would ensure that I got a bad grade. This was supposed to be a cooperation project, but to be honest, it was impossible to cooperate with the Neleprat.

If someone spreads rumours that you've been in a mental hospital and jadajada, you kind of do not have any extra space to want to be friendly towards them.

It seemed, to my relief that most people had forgotten about it, but the Neleprat hadn't.

As I sat down beside him, he glared at me.

"What?" I said.

"I know you turned it in. Without my name on it. How rude."

I sat back. I really wasn't in the mood. "Well, you don't really care, do you?" I said as coldly as I could.

"And what is that supposed to mean?" he said, smiling a devious smile that made my skin want to turn inside out. "I'm just saying it just seems that you act like you care to annoy me."

He mumbled something that sounded suspiciously a lot like 'freak', and then he turned to one of his friends. I couldn't have been happier to have him out of my fac, but as if he could sense this, he turned to me to mock me again after a short while.

"I see you're hanging out with those Freaks," he said, and I kept quiet, just simply nodding, and when he said that - a little tiny part of me that had decided that he was cute - just upped and left.

"Well, I feel sorry for you," he said, which caused me to turn to him.

I wished I could've been able to ignore him.

"Explain," I demanded.

He smirked the devious smirk again.

Looking back, I wanted to scream many, many profanities in his face after he started talking. Maybe even throwing a Katja and pairing the words with various body parts.

"I feel sorry that you have a such tiny amount of self respect that they're the only people you spend time with."

My head snapped in his direction.

"'Only people?'," I said, wishing, for the millionth time that I could master the raised eyebrow.

"Please, everyone knows that they're complete freaks both of them. That Karina girl, or whatever her name is, she's totally the uglies--"

I cut him off there.

I tried to keep my calm as best as I could. Dismissing profanity after profanity and other combinations that kept popping up in my head.

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