Chapter Twenty-One - Preface to aTrip

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It was Friday, the last weekday before the camping trip op doom.

If I'd only managed to do the omelett fiasco today, and not yesterday, then I wouldn't have to see Tim and Katja to explain...

Oh, yes I did.


I stumbled out off the bed, facing the reality that I had to meet Tim and Katja, and there was no putting it off.

I tried out new combinations of curse words inside my head while getting dressed.

Mom was in the shower, so I just left the house, feeling like I didn't want this to be the day that I had to face this at all, or to be honest, I didn't want that day to come at all.

I reached school, and normally, I didn't bump into Tim and Katja. It was the fist time i was thankful for the fact that we didn't have classroom in the same halls.

As I walked through the halls, looking around me, I heard a voice in y head.

"Emma, I'm here with you."

I stopped in my tracks, making someone behind me bump into my.

"Sorry," I mumbled, but I didn't think hey heard me.

"Sally?" I said, not believing it.

Now, in the middle of the halls in school.

"Now is the time you decide to show up?" I said.

"Cut it, you know very well that I visited you in that dream."

I looked around me, probably looking very stupid to all the people around me.

"But... Where are you?" I said.

"I'm not materializing, because I'm pretty sure you'd freak out if I did, and I actually do not want you to get any more rumours on you that you are crazy because of me."

I nodded, "Well, I can truly say that I'd been very startled, but now I know you're here, couldn't you just... materialise now that I'm wanted?"

Sally disappeared.

"What, Sally? Where are you? Did you go away?"

There was no answer, and I cursed, picking up my pace and returning to the school hall.

"You shouldn't curse like that."

I started.

"Sally! Stop it, people are staring at me, and do not scare me like that! I thought you'd left!"

"I didn't leave..." Sally said.

Could you stop being so weird?" I said, "because you're not weird in the good, witty way."

Sally sighed, which was a weird experience to just hear, because I couldn't see her.

"I might not have been completely honest with you when I said that I didn't show myself because I didn't want you to look stupid, god knows it had never stopped me before."

I shook my head at her voice. It was almost inaudible, and I could just barely hear it.

"What is it, Sally, you can tell me."

There was a silence, and for a moment, I thought that she'd gone away again, but I wouldn't let myself get fooled a second time.

"Sally, tell me." I demanded.

"I just... can't."

I stopped in my tracks, ad for the second time that day, a person crashed into my back.

The Story About How My Imaginary Friend DiedWhere stories live. Discover now