Chapter Twenty-Five - Why You Should Never Get Attached To Something Temporary.

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It was Monday, and a nervous little Emma was making he way towards the school, filled with stupid people that made her feel like shit.

And someone might have m'wondered why on earth she didn't just stay home from school, god knows she'd done it before.

The thing was, that Emma also had a chance to meet the truly awesome people she adored, who made her feel special, and like he was likeable.

Okay... I was going to stop talking about myself in 3rd person now.

But I was really excited to meet Tim and Katja again, even though a conflict appeared at the thought of the rest of the school.

"Emma!" I heard someone call out s I walked towards the school entrance. I turned around to see Katja, running towards me.

"Hi!" she squealed.

"Hi, Katja," I said, chuckling.

She approached me and gave me a hug.

"How was your week?"

I was about to think of an answer to that question, but then Tim appeared.

"Hello, Emma," he said.


"How was your week?" he asked. I chuckled. "You know, that is the exact same question that Katja here asked me."

Tim scowled. "Are we not supposed to have like... twin telepathy or something?" he said, frowning.

"Everything you read on the internet is not true, Tim, you should know that."

Tim rolled his eyes and said, "Says the girl who gather all her super-creepy information about unsolved murder cases in the web."

Katja shook her head. "You make it sound like I am some serial killer myself."

Tim grinned a devious smile and mumbled something along the lines of, "you never know..."

Katja heard him, though, which resulted in many scowls.

I looked from Tim to Katja, taking in their expressions and attitude, much toward each other that anything else.

"It's weird," I spoke, "I really have no reason to, but I've missed your bickering."

"Aww, we've missed you, too."

"And guess what," Tim said, nearly jumping up and down, "I managed to..." his voice trailed off when he saw Katja scowling at him. He coughed. "Sorry, we, managed to edit so much that we have ten whole minutes of movie! And it is actually a pretty good one now."

I grinned. "That is great, all though I am pretty jealous you guys got to spent your time working on the project while I was having a... somewhat bad week."

Katja raised an eyebrow. "Bad how?"

I chuckled humourlessly. "Bad... I'll tell you about it later, promise, but as for now, I think that we'd better go inside so we aren't late."

Tim said, "I think that is a great, sane idea," he said, "and I've no idea how we managed to keep ourselves together before we got you as a friend, Emma,"

I looked at him, trying to raise my eyebrows.

"Why, what happened."

He chuckled.

"I'll tell you about it later."

Katja rolled her eyes.

"Let's just go already," she said and started walking.

The Story About How My Imaginary Friend DiedWhere stories live. Discover now