Chapter Eighteen - The Locked Away Equipment and a 'Too Easy Rescue'

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The next day, I got home from the elder center.

The second I stepped into my own room, my phone rang.


"Er, Emma, can you make it down to the cabin? Like... now? We have an emergency!"

"What, what happened? I'm on my way."

I ran downstairs, grabbed my shoes before remembering that mom would worry.

Not that I cared what she thought at this moment, but I wasn't totally careless.

I wasn't an idiot.

"Tell me, Tim," I demanded. "What happened?"

"Well, mom and dad suddenly thought it'd be a good idea for us to take a 'break' from the filming, probably because they have read some teenage-interaction article by some old, bald dude who doesn't know shit, and therefore, they took away all our cameras, the laptops... everything."

I started while writing a note for my mom at the kitchen table.

"What does that mean?" I said slowly.

"It means... that we need to come up with a plan to get our stuff back," he said.

I heard a scream in the background.



I could only hear parts of what the voice said.

"It's Katja," Tim said, "and, she's on the phone with mom and dad, and as you might hear... maybe I shouldn't have let her talk to them."

I nodded, fully aware that he couldn't see me.

"I'll be over as soon as I can," I promised.

"Okay, I'll try to talk to mom and dad in the meantime."

"Okay, you do that," I said before ending the call.

I quickly scribbled a note, coming up with the excuse that there had been an emergency at the elders center.

It probably wasn't a very uncommon thing, but why'd they'd ask me to be there... well, I had no explanation for that, so I just hoped that mom wouldn't ask questions.

I pulled with me a jacket on the way out, locked the door and ran.

I wondered what kind of people Tim and Katja's parents would be if they could just do all these things.

I'd never met them, and I also wondered how Tim and Katja could've turned put like two of the best people I'd ever met, while their parents were... well, judging on what I'd heard, not the best, nicest people.

"HELLO!" I exclaimed as I entered the cabin, locking the door behind me.

"WE'RE IN HERE!" Tim called out.

I walked into the main room. Katja was sitting at the table, frustrated looking.

"They're so... stupid!" she said.

"Could you fill me in a little more on what's going on here?" I said.

"Yes, well, it isn't a lot, and I basically told you everything over the phone, but the main thing is that mom and dad read some article online about teens having to interact and do new things in order to find their 'true passion', or some shit like that, and mom and dad both got very intrigued by the article, so they took away all our stuff and told us that we (so we reached the cabin, and everything was gone. I immediately called mom to ask what was ing on, and she told me they'd decided that we should get out and do something other, because that's what Doctor. IAmFoolingParents said.")

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