Chapter Thirty-Four - Crushing Dreams

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We walked up the path to the huge doors into the buildings. The area outside looked like a bright green park, and there were many people walking around.

"Have you been here before?" I asked Tim and Katja.

"This building; no, Oslo; yes."

We walked through the big doors and got greeted by too many eyes, staring at us. The people who ''d came thrught he door were in a number of eight (WTF even is this sentence? FIX!)

They stared at us, and shortly, I realised that these people must've been the other competitors.

Most of them, if not all, were older, and it looked like the most common age group was about seventeen.

We walked in silence through the crowd. The room was large, and walking from one end to another felt like it took years.

"Do you have the movie?" I asked Tim.

"Yes," he said, pulling something out of his bag. "We'll give it to them when it is our turn."

I nodded. "Where do we go now?"

Everyone of us were looking at Tim. "Er, I think that this is where we wait for the competition to start..."

There was a few nods. "Well, I'm gonna go and see if they have coffee," dad said, yawning, which was contagious, since soon after, everyone was yawning one after another.

"I'll come with," Adam said, and mom nodded and joined them.

Tim and Katja's parents looked a little lost, but when the rest of my family started walking, they followed, whispering quiet things to each other.

"Ooookay..." Tim said as he watched them walk out. "What do we do?"

I shrugged. "I don't know..."

"We sit," Katja said, "and we glare at people as to intimidate them."

"What's the point in--"

"It's fun."

We proceeded to do just that, except it seemed like Katja's glares were the only one who actually frightened people.

I wouldn't lie, it was amusing to watch.

I turned around. In front of us stood a girl with bright, red hair, maybe sixteen years old.

"Hi," I said as Tim and Katja stood back and smiled.

"I'm just going around and saying hello to people, but most of them are so reserved..." she looked into the air with a dreaming expression.

"We've noticed," Katja said, shooting more glares.

"I'm Anna," she said, holding out a hand.

We all shook it. It was a cold one.

"I'm Emma," I said, "and this is Tim and Katja."

"Hello, Emma, Tim and Katja," she said.

"What kind of movie are you making?"

"Um, it's a criminal story about a detective named Sally, who solves murder cases with her dog."
Oh gosh, I should've let Katja speak. When I said it, it just sounded really lame.

But Anna didn't think so. "That is cool, I am looking forward to seeing it."

"How about you?" Tim asked.

"Oh we... we're making a movie about raising the dead... a lot of necromancy going on."

I looked over at Katja, because I felt like seeing her reaction to that.

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