Chapter 10: Cherry Blossoms

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Semi was basically on house arrest by his parents, his parents no longer allowed him to leave his house. He gave a sigh. He wanted to meet Shirabu...he wished he could just leave his house. But he couldn't...he looked at his window. He opened his door and looked out, he quietly walked to his parents room it was dark already and they were asleep. "Hm.." he looked out and slowly went back to his room, he opened his window and started crawling out of it. Once he jumped down he immediately started to text Shirabu. Once the message sent he went running for the park. Today had marked the 1 week, soon he was going to leave for Boot Camp. Once he had at made it to the park he looked at the shimmering moon, it made him smile a bit. He looked at his phone. His message was still not answer, he sat down and waited for the short copper boy. Once it had been more then 20 minutes he had lost hope that the boy would come until he saw a tired sleepy boy right in front of him, Shirabu huffed "I'm not happy you made me come here, but then again I can't be mad at you." Semi gave a small chuckle "Whatever. But I'm glad you came..." Shirabu laughed and nodded "Yea..." Semi looked over at him, he looked at the blossoms above him and grabbed one putting it onto Shirabu's ear "Wanna go and get something to eat?" Shirabu nodded "Sure!" He smiled, Semi grabbed ahold of Shirabu's hand and walked towards the city. It was a bit of a walk but Shirabu and Semi made it to a pizza place. He looked at the sign saying open, the bright colors making him want to go inside. Semi sat down along with Shirabu both of them waiting for a waitress. Semi looked at Shirabu "Kenjiro...I still feel a bit bad about what had happened-" Shirabu put his finger on Semi's mouth "Don't's okay.." Semi smiled and held his hand before looking up his expression dropped to a scared look "Fuck..." Shirabu giggled "What's wrong?" He turned to look at the door where he saw what Semi was looking at, it was his father. Shirabu quickly took his hand away from Semi's. His father stared right into Semi's soul, both the young male's could see the anger and hatred his father had. His father walked in and looked at his son walking up to him, fighting the urge to lift his hand up "Eita, we're going home." He grabbed his hand forcefully, Shirabu looked away. Nobody cared to notice the two boys crying now, not one single person cared.

His father put him in the car and looked at him sternly "Eita pack your things...we're going somewhere first thing in the morning." Semi clenched his fist and nodded weakly "Okay.." He said hoarsely. His voice not even wanting to leave his mouth. Soon his dad made it back to the house. He grabbed Semi and put him inside "Semi...I knew who that was. Who you were with...Semi I want you to lose all contact with him. I don't want you to be gay. It's a terrible thing that you will get punished for." Semi looked away feeling terrible, he looked at him "But why? doesn't affect you!" His dad looked at him and slapped him "Because god made Adam and Eve, not Eve and Eve or Adam and Adam." His dad shook his head "If you can't become straight...I will not hesitate to disown you. That's why we are going somewhere first thing in the morning to fix you." Semi shook his head "Please no..." His father shook his head "I'm sorry, Eita. But it's for your own good." Semi went upstairs "What will I need?" His dad gave a small huff "Toothbrush, clothes, underwear, deodorant...everything you need." Semi nodded and grabbed all his things, he also grabbed a pencil and paper and quickly texted Shirabu asking for his address just in case, in which Kenjiro gave him his address. He wiped his face then put his bags downstairs "Where are you going to take me?" His dad stared at him "You'll see tomorrow."

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