Chapter 6: Fake

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Miroku POV


Just when I saw Sango's head cover up in the pulsing flesh, a beam of light passed between us melting the flesh around our bodies.

"Sango, Miroku!" Kagome shouted, "Are you two alright?"

Sango's body fell to the ground, like it was too late.

I ran to Sango and held her in my arms, she felt cold.

I put my fingertips on her neck, feeling a small thump.

She's alive.

I picked her up and laid her on Kirara's back.

Her eyes were closed shut and relaxed, while her hair flowed along Kirara's furry back.

"Kirara, take care of her," I asked calmly.

That's when I see Kagome running towards us with Shippo on her shoulder.


Kagome POV


"Is Sango know?" I stuttered.

"Yea she's alive just, unconscious," Miroku replied.

"Thank goodness!" I said.

"How did you do that Kagome?" Miroku asked me.

"Yea, I thought we had a plan to build an arrow?" Shippo questioned.

"To be honest, I have no idea..." I mumbled.

I don't know exactly how I did it. If I remember, I got really angry and then everything went blank.

I can't believe I even did that, or what I did...

My hands feel really tingly and a little like they're about to fall off.

"I feel dizzy..." I stuttered.


Inuyasha POV


Damn! What the hell is going on down there? I look over my shoulder to see everyone is alright, so if they are alright...why the hell aren't they helping me?!

"Hey!" I yelled at them.

Miroku and Kagome look at me, finally realizing how much pain I'm in.

Suddenly, Naraku slams me to the ground. My arm that he hit before was starting to sting and burn, like it was on fire.

"Inuyasha!" Miroku called my name, as I turn to answer him, Kagome was on the ground, struggling to stand.

"Kagome!" I yelled running towards her, until I see Naraku's tail coming close behind me.

"Lay off...bastard!" I exclaimed, while kicking his tail back.

I took Kagome in my one good arm and held her,

"Are you gonna be okay?"

"I-I just feel a little weird, that's all," she said,

"But Inuyasha...your arm?!"

"It does look pretty bad," Shippo added.

"Tch! It's just a scratch!" I said.

"Since that arm is injured Inuyasha, you might not be able to use your sword," Miroku said quietly.

I looked at the deep gash and blinked. Miroku might right. Tetsaiga is only at half it's power now, not to mention the new moon, unless it won't do anything. I don't really know if the moon's power will affect me tonight, since I'm in hell.

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