Chapter 7-Don't Do This!

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I grabbed mine and Anakin's bag and told 3PO to follow me.

I walked down the launchpad. My golden ship was sitting there.

"Milady, we have prepared your ship. Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?" Typho asked.

"There's no danger. The fighting is over. And this is personal." I said as I boarded the ship.

"As you wish, milady, but I strongly disagree." Typho said.

"I'll be all right, Captain. This is something I must do myself, Besides 3PO will look after me."

"Oh, dear." C-3PO said.

I walked onto the ship and into the Cockpit. I sat down and started the ship.

"You know, I think I'm beginning to get the hang of this flying business." said 3PO

I got the ship of the ground and C-3PO flew us to the Mustafar system. I thought of what I would say to him. I pulled up into a landing pad and put my head in my hands. This can't be real, it just can't. I looked up and saw a robe blow in the wind and I knew it was Anakin. I opened the hanger door and ran down. We meet each other there and he gave me a hug.

"I saw your ship." He said as he gave me a hug.

"What are you doing out here?" He asked me.

"I was so worried about you." I said looking at his face.

"Obi-Wan told me terrible things." I said on the verge of tears.

"What things?" He said annoyed.

"He said you've turned to the dark side, that you killed Jedi and swearing your allegiance to Palpatine " I said painting.

"Obi-Wan is trying to turn you against me." He said angrily.

"He cares about us." I said.

"Us?" He asked angrier than before.

"He knows, He wants to help you." I said rubbing his arm. I saw a small smile. I was getting thru to him!

"Anakin, all I want is your love. I have our bags packed. They are on the ship. Lets go to Naboo right now. Let's go and leave this life behind. I don't care for what you have done but I want us to be happy and start a new life." I said.

"Love can't save you Padme. Going to Naboo can't save you. Only my new powers can do that." He said.

"At what cost? You're a good person. Don't do this." I said.

"I won't lose you the way I lost my mother." He said worriedly. "I am becoming more powerful than any Jedi has ever dreamed of. And I'm doing it for you. To protect you." He said.

"Ok, Save me by going to Naboo and starting a new life. We can raise our children. Pick me Anakin." I said pleading.

"Don't you see, we don't have to run away to Naboo anymore. I have brought peace to the republic. I am more powerful than the chancellor, I- I can overthrow him." My face keeps twisting. I could not believe what I was hearing.

"And together, you and I can rule the galaxy, make things the way we want them to be." He said smiling.

I backed up farther. My face was showing my horrified emotion.

"I don't believe what I am hearing. Obi-Wan was right you have changed." I said backing up. Anakin looked behind me then down at the floor.

"I don't want to hear any more about Obi-Wan. The Jedi turned against me. Don't you turn against me." He was angry.

I was worried about my safety I love him and trust him, but I know what he does in anger. I backed up even farther.

"I don't know you anymore, Anakin, you're breaking my heart. You're going down a path I can't follow. " I squeaked out

"Because of Obi-Wan?" He asked.

"Because you are not listing to me and because of what you have done." I said crying.

"So if I said I would go to Naboo with you right now, would you go with me?" He asked.

"Yes, I would, So let's go!" I said.

"I don't want to go to Naboo and live as farmers and have our kid live like that, when they could rule the galaxy! I will do anything I have to." He said.

"Stop, come back! I love you." I said squeaking.

"Liar!" He yelled at me.

I turned around to see Obi-Wan standing at the top of the ship.

"You brought him here to kill me!" Anakin yelled at me.

"No! I had no idea he was on the ship!" I yelled.

I felt a hand close around my throat. He was force choking me.

"Let her go, Anakin." Obi-Wan said.

"Anakin. I love you." I squeaked.

I saw a light in his eyes. He realized what he was doing and dropped me.

I fell to the floor and passed out.

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