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Your pov:

'Y/n wakeup from your dreams we have a project to do' Oikawa tooru the most handsome person in the whole school and the captain of the volleyball team called out to you.

You and Tooru are in the same class but yall never really talk cause you are the shy type. One day the teacher paired you with him for a project. Little did she know you had a huge crush on this boy. You were staring at him and got lost in your own daydreams when he snapped you back to reality.

'I'll get going, i have volleyball practice now' he said getting up. 'Okay do well dont tire yourself out' shit did i just say that out loud??

Patting your head he says 'Awww y/n cares for me'

'...ba-baakkaaa...' and then he leaves leaving you all flustered and embarrassed.

Oikawa's pov:

'She looked cute when she said 'baka' maybe i should tease her more' I think while i am on my way to the gym.

Iwa chan hits me on my head getting me back to earth.

Back to your pov:


You get up early tie your hair, dress up etc.. do your morning thing and then head out for school.

You see Oikawa waiting at the fromt gate of the school for someone. You wish him a good morning and ask him who he is waiting for.

'Y/n channn~ i was waiting for youuu...'

'ehh.. uhmm me?' you shutter and blush making oikawa fall in love with you even more.

'Y/n chan can we go out today? oh i- uhm mean to complete the project teacher gave us yesterday' he says scratching the back of his head.

'Sure, after school we can head out to a cafe together' you smile.


He was waiting for you outside of school. When he saw you he ran upto you and jumped to hug you. 'Y/n chan~ lets go fasttt' you nodded and kept walking. You had butterflies as oikawa was walking really close to you.

He suddenly held your hand. You are a blushing mess he notices and keeps smiling.

When you reach the place and sit on the table he comes and sits next to you.

'Y/n ever since i saw you, i've wanted to hold you and call you mine but i never really had the guts cause we never talked. You're the most beautiful girl i've ever laid my eyes on. I want you with me forever, i'll never ever leave you. I love you y/n chan~'

You couldn't believe what he just said.

'oikawa- uhm tooru i love you too'

He jumps and hugs you and shouts 'SHE IS MINE' you get a little embarrassed cause the whole cafe hears you but find it adorable.

Oikawa is the biggest baby, he always needs to hold you, cuddle you and kiss you. If he is ik practice he will call you and he gets scolded by iwaizumi.

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